Law & Order Special Victims Unit s26e11 Episode Script


In the criminal justice system,
sexually based offenses
are considered especially heinous.
In New York City, the
dedicated detectives
who investigate these vicious felonies
are members of an elite squad
known as the Special Victims Unit.
These are their stories.
Which is worse, finding
a spider in your cereal
or a snake in your bed?
Wait, hold on.
What kind of spider?
Big and hairy, like a tarantula.
Is the snake maybe harmless?
It's still a snake.
Jay, you're spilling
cereal everywhere.
Is that coffee?
Can I have some?
You don't need coffee.
You're nine, you goofball.
Get ready for school.
Can we visit Mom
and Dad this weekend?
Yeah, sure.
Get moving.
We're gonna be late!
You look pretty.
Dress for success.
When you're the boss, do
you think you could get me a job?
I'll make you my COO.
Then I can quit school.
And maybe we could,
I don't know, go on a trip?
- You have your homework?
- Got it.
Your keys?
Show me.
See you at 6:00.
Love you.
Love you too.
Yeah, it's Steve from AmeriWatch.
My first job is to protect
you and your company.
I'm not here just to sell
you a bunch of policies.
It's a relationship.
Big, fat commission, baby!
Throughline Trucking.
Frank wants to see you.
Of course.
What's it about?
He's got a new prospect.
Frank's been trying to get
the guy's business for years.
Kyra here is a real up-and-comer.
She's bright. She's quick.
She's really going places.
Yeah, terrific.
It's a pleasure to meet you, Kyra.
Jim owns an aviation company.
Well, I own a helicopter
business, actually
I've heard of it.
So who's doing the sales pitch?
Kyra is.
Tonight, with me.
You can go get the file from Grace.
I will.
I'm grateful for the opportunity.
Ah, please.
Looking forward to it.
Hey, there they are.
Come on in, guys.
- Good to see you.
- You too. Thank you.
Yeah, they sent up a cheese plate.
So would anybody
like a glass of wine?
Uh, sure. That sounds good.
- I'm okay.
- Ah.
Thank you.
This girl of yours
is all business, huh?
[CHUCKLES] She's a machine.
Why don't you, uh, start your pitch?
Yeah, you're ready, right?
So Kyra, tell me,
why should Helivate give their
liability coverage to AmeriWatch?
- I've compiled an elite plan,
- which is comprehensive,
and highly tailored
to a commuter helicopter operation.
- Sounds great.
- Guys, sorry.
I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry.
This is my wife.
Hi, hon, I'm in a meeting.
What's up?
[SIGHS] Can it wait?
Yeah, I'm
Okay, I'm on my way.
My son has a peanut allergy.
Oh, jeez.
And my wife is rushing
him to the hospital.
I really should go.
- Is he gonna be all right?
- Uh, yeah.
He'll he'll be okay.
- Jim, sorry.
- No, no, no.
No apologies necessary.
You go take care of your kid.
Why don't we reschedule?
No, no, Kyra.
Come on, you've been at
AmeriWatch for two years.
You deserve this.
Some night, huh?
Excuse me, sweetie.
- Should I keep going?
- Yeah, yeah.
I'm just going to get
this while it's still wet.
Well, your helicopters
[WATER RUNNING] Your Airbus H125s,
are state-of-the-art assets.
- I'm listening.
- Okay.
Um, our policy,
will not only provide full replacement,
for damages or accidents,
but, liability and
reputation protection,
meaning, if an incident occurs,
we don't just provide legal costs,
we provide PR and
management services as well.
That all sounds great.
- Oh.
- Wonderful.
It's okay.
Settle down.
You are beautiful.

You see this smile on my face?

You know why that's there?
Because I know I'm in good hands.
So are you.
Velasco, you put in for
20 hours of OT last week?
Yes, I did all legit.
What, you want me
to investigate, Sarge?
Because I got an in with IAB.
Nope, don't drag me into it.
Fin, 1PP is asking
for last month's OT.
- Still working on it.
- All right.
- Well
- Captain.
I'm Captain Benson.
How can I help you?
Jay Thompson, nine years old,
walked into the 11th precinct
instead of going to
school this morning.
Okay, did something happen to him?
I think he's just worried
about his older sister.
She didn't come home last night.
Her name is Kyra Thompson.
Okay, well, I'm
sure that he's worried,
but that sounds like a
missing persons case, no?
I made a few calls.
She's over at Mercy.
- Sounds like sexual assault.
- Oh.
- I didn't know what to tell the kid.
- Okay.
Well, have you called his parents?
They're out of the picture.
I didn't want to get CPS
involved if I didn't have to.
Thank you, Officer Moore.
I'll take it from here.
Thank you.
My name is Olivia.
So you wanna tell me what's going on?
My sister, she didn't come
home from work last night.
She said she'd be a little late
because she had a meeting,
but, I haven't seen her.
- I didn't know what to do.
- Okay.
So Jay, do you have a grandmother,
or an aunt or uncle,
or somebody that I can call for you?
It's just me and Kyra.
My mom and dad died last year.
Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.
Um, how about I get somebody here,
to take care of you?
Who's going to
take care of my sister?
I will.


So I'm here for Kyra Thompson.
She was sent on a
bus from Belmore Hotel.
We treated a bruise on her head.
Yeah, did she say anything
about a sexual assault?
She doesn't seem
to want to talk about it.
She's worried about
her little brother.
I lent her my cell, but
he hasn't picked up.
All right.
Thanks, Jen.
I appreciate it.
Jay, I'm worried sick.
Please call me back
as soon as you get this.
Kyra, hi.
I'm Captain Benson.
We have Jay.
He's at our precinct, and he's safe.
How did he get there?
Well, I guess when he
woke up and you weren't there,
he just marched straight
into the local precinct.
He's a very resourceful little guy.
Let me get him on the phone for you.
- Okay.
- Silva, hey.
- Captain.
Um, I'm here with Jay's sister.
- Will you put him on?
- Okay.
- Kyra.
- Jay.
- Is that you?
- Yes.
Um, I'm fine.
I'm fine.
How are you?
Detective Silva, they found Kyra!
I know.
That's great news.
I'm fine too.
What happened to you?
Why didn't you come home last night?
I worked really late.
[CLEARS THROAT] I'm sorry.
I'll come get you as soon as I can.
Okay, goofball?
I love you.
I love you too.
There you go.
Uh, where where are you going?
Uh, I have to go pick him up.
Oh, I'll drive you.
Before we do that,
though, I would love to
make sure that you're okay.
- I'm I'm fine.
- You sure?
Because the nurse said that you,
you may have been sexually assaulted.
I was in a business meeting.
I never should have let
myself be alone with him.
Can you tell me more?
I can't.
I can't.
And why not?
You don't understand
how badly I need this job.
Because you take care of
your little brother on your own?
- Mm-hmm.
- Okay, so Kyra.
Uh, I don't want to pressure you
into doing anything
that you don't want to do.
I'd really like you to walk
me through what happened.
Went in to clean this morning,
found the girl locked
in the bathroom, scared.
- What name was the room booked under?
- Uh, Jim Hogan.
Ordered room service, wine.
Okay, so the guy
came expecting a party,
and things went south.
Is this where you found Kyra?
I heard something.
I tried the knob wouldn't open.
I told her I was housekeeping.
She asked, what happened to
the man who booked the room?
When I said he was
gone, she opened the door.
Then what'd she say?
That he forced himself on her.
We called 911.
Did she say anything else?
She couldn't find her phone.
After she left in the ambulance,
we found it under the couch.
We'll get it to her.
So what did this Hogan guy
look like when he checked out?
Seemed fine.
- In here.
We're going to need
CSU to process the scene.
We're also going to need to
look at your security footage.
It was supposed to
be a business meeting
with the three of us.
But my boss had to leave early.
How come?
His kid has peanut allergies.
- And what is your boss's name?
- Frank Bailey.
And, um, the name of
the man who assaulted you?
J-Jim Hogan.
And so when your boss left,
it was just you and
Hogan in the hotel room?
I was nervous.
It was my first real sales pitch.
Okay, so you did the pitch.
And then
And then what happened?
He spilled wine on his shirt.
He went into the bathroom,
came out, and
I turned around, he
was towering over me.
And what did he do?
He, um
Got down on his knees.
He pulled my skirt up,
m-my underwear aside, and he
Started going down on me.
And you didn't want that to happen?
I pushed him away,
ran into the bathroom.
He tried to come after me.
I put my weight against the door.
And that's when I hit my head.
I barely managed to lock it.
So you stayed locked
in the bathroom all night?
I I gotta go.
I, um I already
told work I'd be late,
so they're they're gonna
be worried about me.
What did you tell them?
That I hit my head.
I had to go to the hospital, I
Please, I
I think I should go.
So Kyra, what you're describing,
what this man did to you, is a crime.
I'm already in trouble.
I have to tell my
boss I blew the deal.
Okay, I understand.
And you can tell them
whatever you want.
But I'd really like you
to do a rape kit, okay?
Sorry to interrupt.
These were delivered for you.
Okay, thanks.
"Thanks for the great evening."
"No hard feelings."
Jim, the man who assaulted you?
A great evening?
A great evening?
That's what he thinks it was?
He thinks he can
just get away with it?
So Kyra, it's up to you,
whether or not he's successful.
I want to file a police report.
I'll do a rape kit too.

Is there any update on Kyra's case?
Got an outcry statement
from the housekeeper
that talked her out of the bathroom.
Oh, that's good.
That's helpful.
And the Belmore Hotel
got us their security footage.
So this is our perp.
Jim Hogan, leaving
the hotel at 8:30 p.m.
After he assaulted Kyra.
The doorman says he
saw him get into a QuikRide
and the records indicated
he headed home to Darien, Connecticut.
- Does he have a record?
- DUI a few years back.
Okay, good.
So he's in the system.
As soon as we get the
results from Kyra's kit,
we'll see if there's a match.
What else do we know about him?
He's recently divorced,
a couple of kids in college.
And he owns a helicopter
commuting business.
Yeah, he shuttles
rich people to airports,
the Hamptons, Westchester County.
Must be nice to look down
at the slobs during rush hour.
So this was a big
contract for AmeriWatch.
I mean, Kyra's boss
has to have some intel.
- Couldn't hurt to ask.
- All right.
Curry and Velasco,
you two talk to Frank Bailey.
Fin, Silva, speak with
Jim and tread lightly.
Before he lawyers up.
Yeah, get him to
commit to something,
and maybe it'll trip him up.
Yeah, I was at the Belmore.
I had a business meeting.
What are you guys here about?
We're investigating an incident
that happened in your hotel suite.
An incident?
[CHUCKLES] What are you talking about?
That business meeting,
that you had with Frank Bailey
and Kyra Thompson, right?
Yeah, she was a
hell of a saleswoman.
We closed a big deal.
Anything go on between you two?
So there was no
physical contact at all?
Well, I mean, you know, I
I took my shot.
What's that supposed to mean?
I'm a guy.
So that's a yes?
What exactly is it she's saying?
That you sexually assaulted her.
No way.
We were having a great
time, and it was mutual.
Except only one of you
got a rape kit done yesterday.
Doesn't sound mutual to me.
Look, there are only two people
who know what happened in that room,
and I can tell you this.
She was selling something,
and I bought it.
And I'm done talking to you
without a lawyer, you understand?
Ramon, escort these
people out, will you?
To be honest, I don't really know
what happened in that
room between Kyra and Jim.
- Why did you leave?
- My son was sick.
So you trusted your
assistant to close the deal?
Well, I've been mentoring
Kyra for over a year.
She was ready.
When I talked to Jim this morning,
it sounded like it went well.
Like it went well?
Your employee was sexually assaulted.
By Jim?
When I called Kyra this morning
to talk about her commission check,
she sounded pretty damn happy to me.
So according to Kyra's boss,
he just left her to close the deal?
Yeah, and Jim is claiming
that he got mixed signals.
And Kyra's standing by her story?
- So far, yes.
- Oh.
Well, if she does, I
can charge the guy.
Would be helpful if the
DNA was on his kit, though.
Kyra's little brother
just called me on my cell.
Jay? What
- What's going on?
- He's worried about her.
He says that she won't
come out of her room,
and he doesn't know what to do.
Well, tell him we're on our way.
Jay, it's Detective Silva.
Kyra's in her bedroom.
I tried to talk to her, but
she won't stop crying.
Okay, well, you did the
right thing by calling us.
What's wrong with her?
She won't tell me what happened.
Let me find out.
Yeah, how about, uh,
we make something to eat?
Kyra, hey.
What's going on?
I'm all spun out.
- I spoke to Frank.
- Uh-huh.
Business Affairs at AmeriWatch
just issued my commission check
Wow. That's
That's a lot of money.
Not just for me, but for Jay too.
Is that what you thought
you were going to get?
[SNIFFLES] Frank said Jim called him
personally to apologize.
They both decided
to add a little extra
- to my commission check.
- So Kyra
But what if I'm confused,
about the way I'm remembering things?
Yeah, I don't want Jim
to get in trouble for
For something that's
just a misunderstanding.
Kyra, the way you described
it to me in the hospital
didn't sound like a misunderstanding.
Jim sounded surprised I
even filed a police report.
Well, uh, your rape kit
results just came back.
And, his DNA was on your body.
He did exactly what
you said he did to you.
And my ADA can make a
very good case out of that.
I don't know if I can
go through with this.
Either way, we already
have enough to arrest him.

- Hey, Jim!
You again?
Am I going to have to
get a restraining order?
Very funny.
Sorry to interrupt your trip.
- You're under arrest.
- For what?
- Sexual assault!
- What are you talking about?
- Okay, what about our trip?
- You can go on it,
- just not with him.
- You stay here, all right?
It's a misunderstanding.
What are you doing?
You have the right to remain silent.
Anything you say can and
will be used against you
in the court of law.
Since when is
pleasuring a lady illegal?
That usually depends on
whether she wants it or not.
So why are you wasting our time?
And yours?
You told our detectives that you
tried something with Kyra Thompson?
- That's right.
- Well, it turns out what you tried
was a sexual assault.
Aren't you forgetting
the word "alleged"?
There's nothing alleged
about your DNA on her vagina.
You're looking at rape three.
This is not my fault.
So you head just accidentally
ended up between her legs?
I was trying to go
down on her, all right?
I'm more of a giver than a taker.
Kyra said that she was so scared
that she locked
herself in the bathroom.
Look, I just figured
she was my closing gift.
You have to explain that to us.
Go ahead.
Tell them what you told me.
When I was in the AmeriWatch
offices earlier that day,
the boss, Frank,
said that he had some kind
of a deal sweetener for me.
Something to get my client to close.
So he brings Kyra into the office,
and she seemed very
excited about seeing us
that night at the hotel.
This business of his kid
having a peanut allergy
That's why he left early
That's total BS.
So what you're saying is
Frank Bailey gave Kyra to you
in order to get your business?
Yeah, I figured the three
of us had an understanding.
That's the truth.
You believe this?
That Frank Bailey
offered Kyra up to Jim?
That, plus the padded
commission check?
I mean, he sells insurance.
I mean, maybe he got himself a piece.
Does Kyra know something?
Maybe, maybe not.
Look, the fact of the
matter is that Frank Bailey
is looking more and
more like an accessory.
So what can we get him for?
Well, right now, he could
be looking at first-degree rape
as an accomplice if he
facilitated the assault.
But if he threatened to
go along, that's coercion.
Only Kyra knows the answer to that.

Kyra, thank you so
much for coming in.
Captain Benson,
this is Grace Callahan.
You're the COO of AmeriWatch, right?
- And a friend of Kyra's.
- Yeah.
It's cold out, and
she offered me a ride.
Thank you so much.
You want me to come in with you?
You know, actually,
it's probably best if you
just have a seat here.
We won't be long.
Is this about you arresting Jim?
Well, actually, it's about
a little more than that.
Okay, why don't you go
ahead and have a seat?
So Kyra,
when we were interrogating Jim,
he seemed to insinuate that Frank
had something to do
with your sexual assault.
What do you mean?
The call that Frank got,
well, that wasn't true.
It turns out that that was made up,
to get you alone with Jim.
- No.
- And Frank told Jim,
that you would be willing
to do anything,
to close the deal.
Couldn't Jim just be lying?
Well, we spoke to Frank's wife,
and she said that she never called.
Then who did?
Someone from AmeriWatch.
So is there anything, um,
any reason that you can think of,
that Frank may have
thought that you would be,
you know, willing to, um,
go further, or
to do more, to close that deal?
Did he have any
leverage over you, or
Last December
I ran an errand to the liquor store
to get supplies for
our Christmas party.
When I went inside to pay,
an envelope that Grace had given me
with 2 grand in cash
wasn't in my purse.
I must have dropped
it in the parking lot.
And how did Frank respond?
To be honest,
I thought I was gonna be fired,
or even worse, arrested.
And have Jay taken from you?
Is that what Frank insinuated?
Frank said he didn't
want to go that far.
And it wouldn't have to,
as long as we found
a way to work it out.
How did he suggest that you do that?
By earning commission.
He said he was thinking about
promoting me to sales anyway.
- Mm-hmm.
- And when the deal came up,
he told me he found
my first promotion.
With Jim Hogan?
He said, if I closed that deal,
he would write off the money I lost.
There's a word,
for what he did to you.
It's called coercion.
He wanted to close that deal.
And you were the signing bonus.
And I'm gonna take him down for that.
This past December, Frank
threatened to report Kyra
to the police over some missing cash
if she didn't close the deal?
He's a white collar pimp.
Well, if Kyra's
willing to testify to that,
then I can make a case.
But, it would help
if I could establish
some sort of pattern.
- Meaning other victims.
- A guy like this,
this isn't his first time.
How long has he been in business?
20 years.
And nobody's ever complained to HR?
This company doesn't
even have an HR.
All right, well, then let's see if
we can find any young female employees
that left the firm under duress.
Thank you for meeting me here.
Yeah, of course.
I could have just come to your office,
but I think we both know that
would have been bad for morale.
You know what else is bad for morale,
is a young employee being assaulted
under your watch.
I feel awful about
what happened to Kyra,
but that's not on management.
Frank tell you that?
Not in so many words.
He sounds like a hell of a salesman.
Look, our only misstep
was leaving a young,
inexperienced girl
to make a sale on her
own before she was ready.
- Mm.
- It's a tough business,
especially for women.
Not everyone makes it.
But as COO, you must have something
to do with the hiring, right?
I meet with people
before they're hired, yes.
So what I'm gonna need is a list
of all the young and
impressionable females
that you've hired in
the last couple of years.
And why would I give you that?
Well, I was trying to save
you the embarrassment
of a subpoena.
For what?
To find out who really called Frank
about his kid's peanut allergy.
I think you and I both
know that it wasn't his wife.
How old were you when
you were hired at AmeriWatch?
I was 18.
It was my first job
out of high school.
What was your job there?
Frank said it was to
cultivate new clients.
Okay, and what
exactly did that entail?
Well, first, it was just
kind of being table candy.
Table candy?
Yeah, that's what Frank called it
you know, looking pretty,
and, laughing at the
male clients' dumb jokes.
So I'm guessing Frank Bailey
eventually expected more?
He wanted me to have sex with them.
What did he say would
happen if you didn't?
That he would find
someone else who would do
what it took to make
AmeriWatch successful.
When I finally refused,
Frank said I had nothing
else to offer AmeriWatch.
Is that when he
threatened to fire you?
Not exactly.
He just said they already
had too many assistants,
so, I kind of just
stopped seeing my name
on the schedule one day.
Yeah, I worked at AmeriWatch.
Worst year of my entire life.
Well, we read your employer report.
It says that you were
fired for showing up to work
with a bottle of tequila.
And standing on top of your desk
in the middle of the bullpen
screaming, "Screw Frank Bailey."
Yeah, they called security,
dragged me out of there.
Why not just quit?
Everything Frank put me through?
I sure as hell was going
to get unemployment.
Can you tell us exactly
what he put you through?
He somehow found out about the nudes
I posted on my ForMyFans
page back in college.
Threatened to tell
my family unless I was
table candy for one of
his prospective clients.
I didn't know it at the time, but,
apparently he had
already taken screenshots
of some of those pictures
and showed them to
the client in question.
What happened next?
Well, he told me if I
didn't entertain the guy,
I'd pay a price.
I mean, he was
basically blackmailing me.
We think we can make a
case against him,
with your help.
Well, if I was willing to
stand on top of my desk
and call Frank a prick,
I'd sure as hell be willing
to do it in open court.
I need everyone to stand up
and step away from your desks.
Step away from your computers
and any devices you may have, now.
- Thank you.
- For how long?
For as long as it takes.
We have a warrant
to search the premises.
You have any idea how
much money this is costing me?
And a warrant for your arrest
two counts of sexual
coercion in the second degree.
- I'll call you a lawyer.
- Oh.
You're still covering his ass, I see.
Yeah, if I was you, I'd start
thinking about your own.

Yes, I had a meeting
with Frank Bailey
and his junior agent, Kyra,
at my suite at the Belmore,
to discuss an insurance policy.
But Frank had to leave early?
- Yes, but I wasn't surprised.
- Why was that?
Well, in his office, he told me
that I'd been such a pain in the ass
to negotiate with
that he'd send Kyra,
to put a little sugar on
top to close the deal.
What did you take that to mean?
That she'd be open
to making me happy
in order to secure
the insurance policy
on my new aviation company.
- Well, yeah.
- And was she?
No, I-I
I made my move,
but, she made it very
clear very quickly
she was not interested.
Look, I've
I've got
two daughters Kyra's age,
and I'm very sorry
about what took place.
But Frank Bailey led me on.
Did you call
Mr. Bailey, the defendant,
after you left the hotel?
Yes, I did, and I recorded it.
People's Exhibit 1, Your Honor.
Frank, what the hell?
I just left Kyra at the
- She's a mess.
- What do you mean?
You told me she'd
do whatever I wanted,
but she freaked out.
Jim, come on, don't put the fact
that you struck out on me.
Do you want the deal or not?
Yeah, I want the deal.
So just send her flowers,
and I'll talk to her.
Don't worry. We'll get the deal done.
Did Mr. Bailey deny
that he had offered up
Kyra to close the deal?
He didn't deny anything.
Thank you.
Nothing further.
Mr. Hogan, did
Mr. Bailey ever tell you
specifically that Kyra would offer sex
in exchange for the deal?
Well, not in those words exactly,
but, he certainly talked around it.
So, not in any words?
Well, it was pretty
clear what he meant.
Or did you just jump to conclusions?
Look, I'm not a lawyer. I'm
a businessman from Texas.
- Also, you're a straight shooter.
- Yeah.
But you're currently
under indictment
for sexually assaulting Ms. Thompson.
Did the prosecutor offer
you a deal to testify today?
Yes, but I'm here because
it's the right thing to do.
And your plea got the charge
reduced to sexual misconduct.
A misdemeanor?
Well, that is one
hell of a negotiation.
You really are a businessman,
aren't you, Mr. Hogan?
Nothing further.
The boss, Frank Bailey,
began to ask me to
meet with potential clients
to do what it took
to get them to make a
deal with AmeriWatch.
Well, what did you
take that to mean?
It was pretty clear he
wanted me to screw them.
Well, how did he make it clear?
Well, the first time a client
tried to have sex with me,
I complained to Frank.
He said this was part of my job.
And then he threatened me.
He found ForMyFans
account I had back in college,
suggested he would email it
to my father if I didn't comply.
Thank you.
Nothing further.
Did Frank Bailey give you bonuses
when you, um, closed a deal?
Yes, he did.
What kind of percentages we talking?
Well, it depended on how nice I was.
Frank's very transactional.
Are you?
Morgan, over the year
you worked with AmeriWatch,
you were paid in excess
of $65,000 in bonuses.
Did you cash those checks?
It was my money.
I earned it.
Nothing further.
When I was first hired at
AmeriWatch as an assistant,
I brought the agents coffee,
ran errands for the office.
When did that change?
December of last year.
We were planning the
office Christmas party.
Grace, our company's COO,
had given me $2,000
in cash to buy liquor.
Somewhere along the trip,
I must have lost the envelope.
And how did Frank respond to this?
He was understanding at first,
said there was no
need to call the police,
that he had a way I could work it off.
Work it off.
Did he explain how?
He said he was thinking about
promoting me to sales agent.
And that included me doing
whatever it took to, uh,
"close the deal."
So, basically doing
what the client wanted?
The first few meetings,
Frank was with me.
I would sit next to clients,
smile, make conversation.
But this all changed,
with the incident with Jim Hogan?
Frank left the meeting early.
What I didn't know,
Frank had told Jim, I would
do whatever he needed,
to get his business.
What did that mean?
Jim obviously expected
that I would have sex with him.
He assaulted me.
Thank you, Kyra.
Ms. Thompson,
were those Frank's exact words?
That he would report you to the police
unless you let the clients
do whatever they wanted?
He was more subtle than that.
What were his exact words?
That he would look the other way
about the $2,000 that went missing.
But I needed to do my
part for AmeriWatch.
How much did Frank pay you for
closing the deal with Mr. Hogan, Kyra?
My records indicate it was $50,000.
That sound about right?
And even though you claim
to be assaulted,
you, um
You cashed the check?
I needed the money,
to support myself,
and my little brother.
Nothing further.
Insurance sales is a very
high-pressure business.
It's up to every employee in my office
how they choose to
respond to that pressure.
So, you never threatened
any of your employees
to get them to engage in sexual acts
for the good of your business?
Absolutely not.
Well, how do you explain
Kyra Thompson's testimony
that you blamed her for losing $2,000?
Everybody makes mistakes.
But, at AmeriWatch,
we're like a big family.
We help each other out.
I had no idea she was
gonna take it the way she did.
And Morgan Tynes'
contention that you
threatened to send screenshots
of her ForMyFans page to her family?
Now, that's just a pure lie.
You're saying she lied under oath?
What I'm saying is,
incentives dictate
outcomes 100% of the time.
And Morgan has a
pretty big incentive to lie.
You're referring to
the possible civil suit
- that might follow this trial?
- I am.
Objection, speculation.
Nothing further.
Mr. Bailey,
did you just promote Kyra Thompson
- to sales?
- Yes.
And as a condition
of that promotion,
did you expect Kyra to have drinks
- with the CEO of Helivate?
- Yes.
All the salespeople at AmeriWatch
have drinks with clients.
But why, on the night in question,
did you lie about your son being sick
in order to leave her
alone with Jim Hogan?
I deeply regret that now.
But I thought that I
was giving her some
valuable life experience
to complete a sale on her own.
But if you were simply giving
her valuable life experience,
then why didn't
you just tell her that?
I thought that she might balk.
It wasn't because you
had promised Jim Hogan,
in your office on the
day of Kyra's assault,
that Kyra would do whatever
he wanted her to later that night?
Absolutely not.
I never said anything
even remotely like that.
Jim lied about that
to get a deal from you.
Like I said, incentives
dictate outcomes.

My God, that was painful.
Well, watching somebody
perjure themselves
with no shame about it usually is.
We know that this guy is lying.
He's a good salesman.
All it takes is one person
on that jury to buy it.
What do you need to make
sure that this bastard does time?
I need something that is undeniable.
Another victim?
Or somebody that colluded with him.

Captain Benson?
What are you doing here?
My job.
Just checking to see if
If you had a conscience.
Your boss perjured
himself on the stand today.
Just so we're clear,
I am not testifying against Frank.
Right, well, you've
been with him for 20 years.
He promoted you to COO.
You have a big chunk
of equity in his company.
That's a hell of an incentive.
But I think that you know
How he uses young women
in your office for his own gain.
And theirs.
They were paid off.
You're admitting that
this isn't the first time
that AmeriWatch has
written a big check,
- for Frank's behavior?
- Cost of doing business.
You're a cop, I wouldn't expect
you to understand that.
Oh, I understand what
it means to be a woman
in a male-dominated field.
I've been with the NYPD for 30 years.
And look at you.
- You survived.
- You're right, I survived.
Things were different,
when you and I first
started our careers,
- weren't they?
- Yes.
Things have changed.
But from what I'm seeing,
nothing has changed, at AmeriWatch.
It's a sales culture.
What am I supposed to do about that?
What are you supposed
to do about that?
You're the chief operating officer.
Or is that just some
vanity title that was given to you,
for your collusion?
You didn't have a female COO
when you were coming up, did you?
These girls do.

Call me if you want to talk.

What happens now?
Well, Carisi is gonna make
his closing statements, and then
And then we wait for the jury verdict.
What if they don't believe me?
Your testimony was strong, Kyra.
Yeah, well, so was Frank's
- Even though he was lying.
He's gonna get away with it.
Captain Benson?
Last night, I know you
thought I didn't hear you,
but I did
What you went through, Kyra,
that never should have happened.
I'm going to try to make up for that.

I'll call the ADA.
After the meeting with
Frank, Jim, and Kyra,
Frank called me into his office.
To tell you what?
Not to worry about the
Helivate Aviation account,
that it was practically a done deal.
Did Frank say why he was so sure?
He said that he and Kyra
were meeting with Jim that night,
that he would duck out early,
leave Kyra alone with Jim,
and that she knew what to do to close.
What did Frank mean by that?
He said Kyra would
be willing to provide
sexual favors for Jim if
that's what Jim wanted.
Because Frank still had the $2,000
that she lost to hold over her head.
Yes, the supposedly lost $2,000.
Supposedly lost?
W-what do you mean by that?
That money never went missing.
Kyra didn't lose it or take it.
Frank did.
Well, how could you possibly
know that, Ms. Callahan?
Because I saw him
take it out of her purse
when she went to the bathroom.
And that's it?
There's no other reason?
And because
20 years ago, Frank Bailey
did the exact same thing to me.
He held missing money over my head
in order to leverage me into providing
sexual favors for clients.
To what end?
In order to close deals.
Ms. Callahan, why are
you testifying here today?
Because I made a choice
to stay silent,
20 years ago,
to sacrifice my conscience,
for the sake of my career.
I deeply regret that
all these young women
were hurt because of that choice

Including Kyra.
As the COO, it was
my duty to protect you.
And I fell short of that.

Members of the jury,
have you reached a verdict?
We have, Your Honor.
What say you?
On the first count of
coercion in the second degree,
we find the defendant
On the second count of
coercion in the second degree,
we find the defendant
Members of the jury,
the State of New York
thanks you for your service.
We're adjourned.

You feeling good?
Yeah, I am.
Guilty on both counts,
1 1/3 year for each,
served consecutively.
Yeah, I was, you
know, hoping for more.
Oh, I'm not done.
Oh, you're saving the best for last?
Frank lied, on the stand.
That means I could
charge him with perjury.
- Another trial?
- It's gonna be worth it.
If he's found guilty,
he'll do 5 to 15.
That's a lot more than
the coercion charges.
- What?
- I find it
a little unsettling,
that lying about a crime,
is worse than actually
committing the crime?
Yeah, well, nobody promised
that justice would make
mathematical sense.
Well, you know what does make sense?
A controlling son of a
bitch like Frank Bailey,
doing 15 years in Green Haven.
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