Have I Got a Bit More News for You (2007) s46e10 Episode Script

Martin Clunes, Bernard Cribbins, Jennifer Saunders

Good evening.
Welcome to Have I Got News For You.
I'm Martin Clunes.
In the news this week - after receiving his Knighthood in the morning then heading straight to the park to take his son for his very first bike ride, it's a proud day for Bradley Wiggins.
PAUL: Oh, here we go, here we go.
AUDIENCE: Oh! AUDIENCE: Aw! At a football match in Southend there's joy for an Asian betting syndicate as the 1,000 to 1 event they predicted happens right on queue.
And after the success of speedy boarding, easyJet pioneer new methods of getting people off the plane even quicker.
Everybody needs a Green Flag holiday On Ian's team tonight is a comedy writer and actress who has recently complained that "Every single element of a BBC programme is commented on "by six separate executives.
" And so, by a vote of four to two, please welcome Jennifer Saunders.
Thank you.
APPLAUSE And with Paul tonight is one of Britain's best-loved actors who famously voiced The Wombles, just about the only children's favourite from television of the 1970s not to be implicated in Operation Yewtree.
Please welcome Bernard Cribbins.
Thank you very much.
APPLAUSE And we start with the bigger stories of the week.
Paul and Bernard, take a look at this.
OK, yes, this is the event in South Africa, heavily rained on, which I think is meant to be a sign of good luck.
There's a man on his own.
And there is a man that's flirting with somebody whose wife's not pleased with.
And that's Oh, yes.
This is the man who DROWNED OUT BY LAUGHTER He's the interpreter who was trying to sign for deaf people and was just making it up completely.
Nobody had any idea what he was saying and his defence seems to be, "Well, the thing is I'm a schizophrenic.
" I thought he was swatting flies most of the time.
But he's offended everyone now.
He's offended the schizophrenics.
They said, "You're not schizophrenic, are you? "Cos you've done this before.
" People have complained before about this man.
He said he heard voices in his head but he couldn't translate what they were saying.
And he wasn't having any fun.
He was just sort of making it up, doing this, whatever, and those speeches would have been great.
You know, Mugabe's I mean, he could have had a real laugh.
But it wasn't his first time.
We've got a clip of him here in action in 2012.
HE SPEAKS FOREIGN LANGUAGE That made perfect sense to me.
I think he was just announcing the sale at Leatherland.
Again, and that's the South African President, Zuma.
And there's only one gesture for him, which is Yes, this wasn't the It wasn't the only, um LAUGHTER We could chat like this for hours! But the funny signing man wasn't the only sign of a lowering of tone was it? JENNIFER: The Barack Obama selfie with the Danish Prime Minister and Cameron leaning in for an outrageous selfie.
Big grins.
Big grins.
Apart from the wife.
Michelle, yeah, she doesn't look happy there, does she? Well, you'd think being, you know, leaders of the free world, they might have thought that there's some other cameras.
You don't need to take a picture of yourself at a funeral.
There are about eight billion other people.
You can get a copy.
They'll probably send one.
Look - bunch of teenagers.
I know.
"Oh, look, there's a blonde prime minister!" Put it on Facebook.
She's on Borgen! She's meant to be the most beautiful prime minster in the world.
Let me put my glasses on.
LAUGHTER AND APPLAUSE That can't be right! Yeah, apparently so.
And she's married to Neil Kinnock's son.
Justice! Is that true? I haven't made this up.
No, it is true, yeah.
It's a lot interesting than Borgen, I tell you.
"Hello, the Freedom party is having a coalition "with the Liberals, oh, no!" And a lot of people said there is no respect any more.
This is Nelson Mandela's memorial service and you're just taking pictures of yourself like a bunch of teenagers.
I think Mrs Obama's got a cigar in her hand as well, hasn't she? Is she smoking a cigar? JENIFER: Put your glasses on, Bernard.
Put your glasses on.
Hang on a minute.
She got it from Clinton.
Don't light it, love.
What did she do about the whole sorry affair, Michelle Obama? She made the most powerful man in the world feel a little bit bit glum.
She shouted at him.
When he got up to do his speech, she took his place next to the Danish Prime Minister.
BERNARD: Oh, look! JENNIFER: Oh, look! That's very good.
And Cameron's changed as well, hasn't he? Does anybody know who else Obama cosied up to? Yes, the Cuban Prime Minster - or President, rather.
Castro, yeah.
It was a historic moment, or it should have been but he was a bit busy doing a selfie with the blonde.
So the world didn't really notice.
It was a historic moment.
This is how Sky covered it.
Something to look forward to.
So it was just more than a handshake at the end, wasn't it? Naomi Campbell was there.
Maybe hoping to pick up some blood diamonds.
AUDIENCE: Oh! Full of war criminals.
That's a cue for a picture, I think.
Oh, not these two.
Who wasn't invited, controversially? I wasn't invited.
You may know who else wasn't, either.
The Spice Girls? Absolutely.
Mandela said meeting The Spice Girls was one of the greatest moments of his life but when they told Desmond Tutu they weren't coming, here is his reaction.
The South African president was booed but who was cheered to the rafters? Mugabe.
That wasn't who I meant but he did get a cheer, didn't he? Tutu was cheered.
Who else? It's Ban Ki-moon! We'll show the clip because it's a sort of Have I Got News For You Christmas tradition anyway.
# I'm making a list # Checking it twice # Going to find out who's # Going to find out who's # Naughty or nice Ban Ki-moon is coming to town.
APPLAUSE Oh, Ban Ki-moon! It would be funny if he suddenly turned up on EastEnders as one of the Moons.
Did you hear any of the tributes that our House of Commons played? Yes, there was a whole day of them.
Could have been done fairly quickly and elegantly, rather than a whole day of people saying, "Yeah, I nearly met him.
" "My wife's friend met him.
" "And he influenced me - me, cos I'm really great" Gordon Brown I think said he taught him courage.
"Me, courage.
" It's a lot of people talking about themselves under the cover of the dead person.
I went to a funeral once.
Someone was giving a eulogy and a man said, "Is he going to mention the dead bloke at all?" Nick Clegg gave a very moving tribute.
He said STUDIO LAUGHTER What a lovely story(!) Whilst these solemn tributes were going on, David Cameron nipped out to do something more important - have his picture taken with Ant and Dec.
APPLAUSE So this is the memorial service for Nelson Mandela.
Veteran ANC leader Cyril Ramaphosa told the crowd Probably?! Bloody hell.
If he's having trouble Barack Obama was trembling with emotion as he made one of the most important speeches of his life.
"It is important to remember it was only a photo, Michelle, "she means nothing to me.
" According to the Guardian Early squabbling over the inheritance there.
Archbishop Tutu called for silence saying A silence broken only by John Major muttering, HE IMITATES JOHN MAJOR: Actually, you can only hear a pin land.
Ian and Jennifer, take a look at this.
That's our world statesman.
Ooh, spooky.
Like a waxwork.
Oh, there's his good side.
There's his other good side.
Money, pay rise.
In order to avoid any further trouble, Parliament set up an independent body that would come up with the pay rise.
Have they, have they? Yeah.
Have they? They haven't avoided trouble, you see? Oh.
Cos they've said 11% and the public has said, "That's 11 times more than we're getting.
" Then all the Party leaders obviously are panicking.
They're going, "We don't want this.
How on Earth has this happened?" Course they want it.
Everyone wants a pay rise, but they have to pretend they don't want it now, which is harder.
Yes, 11%, which is an extra ã7,600 a year.
But their defence is that if you don't give us this pay rise, we won't have enough money and we'll have to fiddle our expenses.
It's a very good defence.
So you really must give us more money or we'll be incredibly greedy and dishonest.
Danny Alexander called it Whilst according to the male Tory Charles Walker The male Tory? The male Tory? Yes.
What other type is there? I didn't see that cheeky little comma hiding in there.
BERNARD: You've only got one, have you? Whilst according to the Mail Tory Charles Walker CHEERING AND APPLAUSE Thank you.
Nice to hear them again.
The MP for Broxbourne said Adding No, it won't.
HE MOUTHS The 11% rise for MPs will be funded from reductions elsewhere.
They're going to clamp down on a few things.
Do we know? Their pensions.
Their expenses.
Each horse in the household cavalry will lose at least one leg.
And tea and biscuits.
This will save somewhere in the region of ã1 billion.
The Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority, in a recent survey, asked MPs how much they think they should be paid.
Did you hear what that revealed? A lot.
Quite interesting, actually.
Well, Labour were nearest.
They said that members should be paid ã77,000.
Greedy Lib Dems Greedy ones.
wanted ã78,000, whilst the Tories plumped for ã97,000.
Surprise, surprise.
How close can we get to 100 without appearing greedy? Balls came under pressure this week.
Can anybody tell us about that? RAUCOUS LAUGHTER FROM AUDIENCE MEMBER There's some kind of weird duck in the audience.
You were here last week, weren't you? Balls came under pressure this week, can anybody tell about that? No.
Ed Balls.
Thank you.
The debate on the Autumn Statement.
Yeah, he didn't do very well.
There appears to be a recovery, which is very bad news if you've been saying for years there never will be.
But he had a real problem and everyone shouted at him.
And he was very cross.
He went redder and redder in the face, and then he exploded.
Did he explode? I missed that, the explosion.
Have we got that on film? Yeah.
No, cos you're not allowed to show You're not allowed to show a man explode in the House of Commons? Oh, come on.
Anyway, he reacted in a very calm and statesman-like way.
He said, "I don't give a toss what you think.
" For a man name Balls, he handles himself very badly.
Do we know what he got up to at the weekend? He was playing the piano.
That's right, at a celebrity piano concert.
He sneaked in when the celebrities weren't looking.
What, do you have to play a celebrity as if they were a piano? BERNARD: That could be fun.
I shall volunteer.
After the disaster at last year's French horn concert I was hoping he'd play something like Yeah, Schumann.
Great Balls Of Fire or something.
He didn't.
He played He played a piece for children.
Which was sweet and it showed his softer side.
Has he learned to take the lid up yet? You've got to be really good to play through the lid.
You've got to have really strong fingers.
The best can do it.
Oscar Peterson never lifted the lid up once in his life.
Play it through the lid.
He told the Telegraph .
when he'd finished.
So this week, David Cameron got into trouble.
Do you know what for? Is this the Nigella question? Oh, yes.
He said that he was a great fan of Nigella's recipes, particularly the ones involving white powder up your nose.
He said, "I'm Team Nigella.
" And the judge said, "Can you not make those sort of remarks, Prime Minister? "It's not very helpful.
" It'd be like me saying I'm Team Rebekah.
But I wouldn't do that.
You want to spend Christmas at home, don't you? I do.
Now the festive season is upon us, and all the Party leaders have personal Christmas cards.
They were in the papers this week.
Let's have a look at them.
This is Ed Miliband's card.
No, it isn't.
Oh, dear.
That's the Boden catalogue.
I ordered that jumper.
It's rubbish.
It's sad when parents wish their children were two-inches taller than they actually are.
Sad, isn't it? Here's David Cameron's card.
Oh, stop it.
Just screams Christmas, doesn't it? But it's black and white to show which era we're heading back to.
This is the card sent out by Nick And Miriam Clegg.
Apparently Miriam loaded a digital version of the photo onto an iPad and told the three boys to do whatever they like and when she had erased that, she drew a Santa hat on his head.
Finally, nothing says Christmas like the personalised card of a washed up ex-UKIP MEP.
So, let's have a look at Godfrey Bloom's Christmas card.
Do you know who came up with the idea for the card? Was it Santa? Mrs Bloom.
He told the Daily Star It is Christmas.
Better now than never.
They won't expect it.
This is the MPs' proposed According to a spokesman for Nick Clegg As it's not coming in till after the next election, it's a pretty safe bet.
According to the Mail Good thinking, Tories.
If you give it to Comic Relief you are also helping your old buddies in the arms industry.
Come on, it's Christmas.
According to a survey of European MPs, the country that pays politicians the least is Poland.
Although many Polish MPs have extra jobs and second homeshere.
Meanwhile, Ed Balls has been defending his poor performance in the debate on the Autumn Statement.
He told Sky News that in the face of Tory heckling, Ed Miliband told him to keep going.
You can only assume the heckling was so loud he didn't hear the first bit, get your coat, fuck off and keep going.
At the end of that round it's two points each.
Jolly well done.
And so to Round Two, The Picture Spin Quiz.
Fingers on buzzers, please, teams.
BUZZER This is monkeys stealing things.
They managed to open a window, get in and wreck the place.
JENNIFER: Whereabouts is this? It's Wigan.
Surbiton! Wigan.
If the picture were lower down we could see what they were actually stealing.
I can't remember but it was like a television or a blanket or something.
Let's have a look.
There's other pictures.
A sofa.
It's a teddy.
They kidnapped Pudsey.
Children In Need won't have him next year.
They got some linen.
And some more linen.
Look at that one just stuck on the wall.
Can I have one for Christmas, please? What, a thieving baboon? Yes.
Think of all the presents you'd get.
My booty They're very scary.
When I went to Cape Town a big one got in our car.
So we jumped out and we couldn't get back in the car.
Just sitting in the driver's seat messing around for ages.
How did it get in the car in the first place? I left the door open.
Further animal news, what heinous crime did another animal, it is a bit closer to home? Heinous crime? With an H.
Right, I'll tell you.
When Jon and Steve Roles were caught without a tax disc they were given a ã100 fine which was waived when they told the police that a snail ate it.
And sent this picture in.
That is just so good.
Yes, yes.
This is the news that a gang of baboons have been photographed burgling an apartment block in Cape Town.
Of course, the good thing about baboon burglars is they may shit on your carpet but at least they throw it out of the window afterwards.
And meanwhile, in Yeovil, a motorist was let off a fine after successfully claiming that a snail had eaten his tax disc.
A bit far-fetched but good enough to convince Jimmy Carr to buy himself a few snails! Fingers on buzzers, teams.
BELL RINGS JENNIFER: Oh, Damian Lewis said he didn't want to end up as a fruity-voiced actor playing wizards.
And everyone assumed he meant like Ian McKellen.
Damian Lewis said he left the RSC in his 20s because he didn't want to end up That fairly hits the nail on the head, doesn't it? He offered an explanation for the fruity voice, do you know what that is? He said actors have to fill halls.
He has to be heard.
Their voices get richer and richer.
According to Sir Ian, as, urgh, ooh, urgh, ooh! Sir Ian McKellen claims that as for the fruity voice, actors have to be heard and their voice may therefore develop a sonorous quality that they can't quite get rid of.
I can't fucking say it.
Son-or-ous?! Sounds like a friend of Sir Lancelot! As for a fruity voice, actors have to be heard.
That's brilliant, that's funny.
an openly homosexual wizard.
Sir Ian McKellen actually claims OK, beautiful.
Still doesn't explain Brian Blessed though, does it? In other slightly fruity news, two soldiers in Birmingham have unexpectedly been getting involved in the theatre, do you know how? Have they been brought in to keep the peace between elderly actors shouting "Get you!" at each other? "Get you, you fruity-voiced wizard.
" I played Stratford in 1963.
This is part of a training exercise, two soldiers had to make it from Birmingham to London undetected.
Dressed as fruit! Without spending any money.
Dressed as a box of melons! So, they popped into a local theatrical school and asked them to come up with a disguise so here are Rifleman Jordan Bryce and Chris Edwards as they usually look and here they are in full camouflage.
BERNARD: The one on the right looks like Sarah Millican! Two British soldiers disguised themselves as old ladies to travel from Birmingham to London as part of an Army initiative test.
It was all going really well until a visibly aroused Wayne Rooney stopped to offer them a lift.
Fingers on buzzers, teams.
BUZZER This is the corruption in football.
There's so many ways of betting on a football match now.
It's not just about goals.
So players are being bribed to suit syndicates out in Singapore and places like that.
Is this a real picture?! They seem quite blatant about this match fixing.
Ex-Premier League star Sam Sodje.
Scottish? He was filmed by an undercover investigator claiming he could arrange for players to be booked or sent off in exchange for cash.
He himself claims to have received ã70,000 for getting sent off but he found it difficult, do you know why? Oh, because the referee didn't see him.
That's right.
He did it behind the referee's back.
He punched a player twice in the groin .
to get a red card.
He said We should point out that they deny all the allegations.
Is it serious? It is quite serious.
Does it matter? It's like cricket.
You know about cricket and fixing.
It's the same.
You don't want your cricket matches fixed.
Well, I wouldn't mind at the moment.
Obviously now you'd be quite happy.
On the subject of physical fitness, does anybody know what this man is doing? Is it the Vivienne Westwood Winter Collection? This is Zhang Fuxing, I'm sure I've pronounced that correctly.
This man thinks that by attaching 31-stone weights to each foot everyday, and walking 15 metres, he can cure back pain and haemorrhoids.
It would certainly give you something else to think about, wouldn't it? Do you want to see him using his invention.
I can see why he's got back problems.
He's going to give himself a bad front.
He's definitely going to miss the bus.
This is the football match fixing scandal.
There was a very suspicious match played by Billericay Town last year.
A spokesman denied that the club engaged in match fixing and urged the players to focus on next Saturday's Fingers on your buzzers, teams.
BELL RINGS Oh, he had his uncle taken out of the picture behind him.
Because his uncle had embarrassed the nation by wearing spectacles, or something.
That was the only crime he wasn't accused of! He doesn't photograph well, to be honest.
He's just a shadow of his former self.
He was accused by him of dreaming different dreams.
Which is not allowed in Korea now.
Is that cut-out, is that IAN: They haven't got Photoshop in North Korea yet.
What is that? They haven't got airbrush technology.
I thought he was quite a little man.
The uncle.
Hm? SHOUTING: We thought the uncle was quite a little man! Can we see the real picture? Yes, let's look at the real picture.
Let's look at the real picture! OK.
They haven't got Photoshop at the BBC either.
Do you know what else he was accused of? Shall I tell you? He wasn't running the Co-op bank, was he?! In North Korea, Kim Jong Un has again flexed his muscles, this time by having an irritating uncle removed.
North Korean analyst Joshua Stanton said Certainly wasn't the man in the chip shop.
JENNIFER: That's very funny.
Or the hairdresser for that matter! Staying in the Far East, does anybody know what can make you impervious to missile attacks? A special cream, special ointment that makes you impervious.
You smear all over yourself.
No, it's not, strangely.
It's smog.
Smog? The Global Times in China reported that on the battlefield it can serve as an advantage in military operations.
The state broadcaster said smog makes people funnier.
Nice and clear in here, isn't it?! Talking about the long-term effects of its toxic atmosphere, environmentalists in China have warned about the Devastation Of Smog.
Apparently it's even longer than the first Hobbit film.
I like that.
Which means that at the end of this round, Ian and Jennifer have four, as do Paul and, um I'm sorry, what?! LAUGHTER AND APPLAUSE Bernard.
Write it down for him! Sorry, I haven't been well.
You'll be even worse in a minute! Which means at the end of this round, Ian and Jennifer have four points and Paul and Bernard have four points.
It's a tie.
APPLAUSE DROWNS SPEECH Now it's time for the Odd One Out Round.
Paul and Bernard, Antigone, Samuel Pepys, Bernard Cribbins and some Franciscan monks in Leicester.
Antigone, I don't know anything about that.
I did the play once.
Something to do with your career, Bernard.
Story-telling? BELL RINGS We know it.
It's to do with holes and burying.
Because Hole In The Ground Bernard did a song called Hole In The Ground.
How did it go? # There I was digging this hole # Hole in the ground So big and so round It was Noel Coward's favourite when he did Desert Island Discs.
And he said "If he could only have one record, Mr Coward, "which would you take?" He said, "I'd take Mr Cribbins doing Hole In The Ground.
" Why? "I could translate it into French as I walked up and down the beach.
" It's about burying because Antigone was trying to bury her brother and her uncle wouldn't let her.
The Leicester must be the Richard III burial.
They want to bury him or they did bury him.
What we're looking for is an odd one out.
They all put stuff in a hole in the ground apart from Bernard, who just sang about it.
I actually put a man in there at the end.
There's a clue.
It wasn't a man, it was cheese.
They all buried someone apart from Pepys who buried his cheese and that's not a euphemism.
Right Said Fred.
Right Said Fred, that finished with somebody getting squashed, as well.
Any hits not involving fatalities? No, a couple of hymns In Greek mythology Antigone buried her dead brother and how does the story end, Ian? Badly.
It's a Greek tragedy, everyone dies.
So, Antigone was sentenced to death to be buried alive.
Yeah, not good.
So, she hung herself.
Yeah, and then Bernard did a really funny song about it.
# Stop hanging about, Antigone # You're making a mess on the floor# # We just cleaned up last Saturday # We don't want to do it no more# All together now.
APPLAUSE They've all buried someone, apart from Samuel Pepys, who buried his cheese to save it from the Great Fire of London.
The monks who buried Richard III wore grey garments and were hence known as the Greyfriars.
Just as those who wore black garments were known as the Blackfriars.
And the profound thinkers who ate a lot, the deep fat friars.
Bernard Cribbins is, of course, much-loved for providing all the voices of The Wombles.
He is still working even though he's long been eligible for a free travel card or, as he calls it, his Underground/Overground card.
Give me a break.
I was thinking about Uncle Bulgaria coming over in January.
Ian and Jennifer, here are yours.
Bus spotters, Tory MPs, Greg Dyke and Captain Cook.
Greg Dyke has only been in the news for making a strange cut-throat gesture when the draw for the World Cup happened.
What does that mean? It means no chance.
He said it was just banter, It was just a little bit of banter.
Captain Cook, he died after making gestures to his men.
He was killed when he went to Hawaii.
Tories in the Commons.
Do they make gestures to the opposition? Is it gestures? It is gestures, yes.
I'm not going to tell you what about the gestures.
So, the odd one out is the bus spotters.
Cos people make gestures at them.
Get out the way.
You're absolutely right.
They've all got in trouble for a hand gesture.
Apart from bus spotters who say their hobby is being ruined by rude hand gestures From other people.
According to Harry Blakeway and Martin Anderson too many of the 250,000 plus photos they have taken of buses around the country feature bus drivers doing this One more on top.
Why are the bus drivers so angry about the bus spotters? Cos they've been spotted.
Cos they're all signing on probably.
OK, so Greg Dykewhat did England boss Roy Hodgson think of Dyke's reaction? He said he didn't see it but there's a photograph that looked as if he did.
Here's an artist's impression, we're not allowed to show the actual picture.
Tory MPs? Gesturing to women.
Going, "Ooh, hello.
Hello, loveget them out!" Erm, yeah, pretty much.
Recently elected Labour MP for Rotherham, Sarah Champion, complained about Tory MPs making lewd hand gestures.
Members of the public regularly write in to complain about how all MPs behave.
According to the Mail, one message sent in November said Kind of Her Majesty to find the time to write in.
APPLAUSE So, they've all got in trouble for a hand gesture apart from bus spotters who say their hobby is being ruined by rude hand gestures.
The two bus spotters, Harry Blakeway and Martin Anderson have been accused of being bus perverts.
And if you are wondering what their wives think, you haven't really thought this through.
Captain Cook died when he was attacked by natives in the Pacific.
According to one biography Apparently too much Cook spoiled the broth.
Yes! I'll never starve.
You've got lots of food hoarded, have you?! Where is he off to? Come on, it will get better.
Sod you, then! PAUL: Send help! I think a bit of slot came out of them.
I've been in this chair for 22 years! Why'd you keep asking me all these questions? So, it's time now for the missing words round.
Which this week features as its guest publication, Meat Goat Monthly.
The magazine of the meat goat industry.
When I heard about Meat Goat Monthly, I thought, finally someone's making it easier for busy professionals to meet goats.
Also available online, though their website does attract a lot of trolls.
We start with Mary Berry.
Have a soggy bottom.
Burnt my bapsI don't know.
I've killed seven men in cold blood.
I hit children.
Oh, yes, with a spoon.
With a butter patter, yes.
Mary Berry claimed on Piers Morgan's chat show that sometimes a slap on the legs can help.
Or in Piers Morgan's case a punch in the throat will suffice.
Next BERNARD: Pillock.
Premier Inn.
It is goat! If you are in a relationship with a goat, the most important thing is trust.
Make sure the goat is thoroughly trussed before you try anything tricky.
Next I read this.
The police, they issued an advent calendar, a cheery one for Christmas, and every day you open a window and there's a local burglar.
Who is wanted.
Absolutely right.
Nottinghamshire police have been criticised for producing an advent calendar which features a wanted criminal behind every door in the run-up to Christmas day.
Apparently they are having a lot of trouble catching King Herod, the notorious child killer.
Have no problem hiring Mary Berry as an assassin.
Have no problem eating a whole goat for breakfast.
Yeah, exactly.
Next On the left-hand side if you are in this country, the right-hand side if you are in Europe.
Discreetly with a false beard.
In the Shropshire annual goat Festival.
They're taking me next year.
Will you be entering him? No, no.
Trying to get a guesthouse is hard enough.
Jehovah's Witnesses.
Have you heard the news about Jesus? That's parrots.
I can't do a cockerel, bloody hell.
You're lucky it was some sort of bird.
Let's see it.
Here's Batman.
Of course they don't make chicken film stars like they used to.
Hen-ry Fonda There's more.
Gregory Peck's got to be in there somewhere.
and Gwyneth Poultry.
So, look at this, the final score, just before Christmas, are Ian and Jennifer have nine, and Paul and Bernard have five.
APPLAUSE But, before we all hang our stockings up, there's just time for the caption competition.
JENNIFER: It's a beaver on a laptop.
Could it be logging on? Do you know what's weird about the word beaver? Is that there is a place in America called Beaver Creek.
And we went into Beaver Creek and in the town there is a shop that sells alcohol and it's called Beaver Liquors.
Now that is absolutely I've got a photo.
On which note We say thank you to our panellists, Ian Hislop and Jennifer Saunders, Paul Merton and Bernard Cribbins.
And I leave you with news that in South Africa there's evidence that the official in charge of booking the deaf signer for Nelson Mandela's memorial has been relieved of his duties.
Madame Tussauds finally complete their waxwork of Sting and his wife, Trudie.
And, in central London, a man decides to Google himself to find out what people think about him.
Good night.

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