House, M.D. s04e04 Episode Script

HOU-404 - Guardian Angels

There were some nice guys there, but they're all so quiet, awkward smiles and sweaty palms.
I'm not expecting Brad Pitt to walk into St.
Theresa's, just someone who makes me laugh, has a nice smile, full head of hair.
You know, someone like you, Mr.
It's a shame they're going to cremate you.
Can I help you? Martin! Martin! My purse is right there.
Go ahead, take whatever you want.
Irene, you call me? Irene? Irene! How are you doing? I'm fine.
FYI, if you ask me, it's more the guys' fault than yours.
And House isn't blameless, either.
If he hadn't pitted us all against each other It was my fault.
My mistake.
Was that always there? Hello? Sure.
It's House.
Good morning, angels.
As you will see from the file, we have quite the interesting case.
It's not often you get a patient who sees dead people.
What file? What the hell? I gave it to Bosley a half-hour ago.
It was not a half-hour, it was 10 minutes.
And he made copies of the ER records first.
Less lip, more whip.
I only agreed to take this case because you said that this mocha frapalicious would have whip on it.
I'll refer the case to Foreman.
Mercy fired him.
He got fired? He disobeyed a superior officer under fire.
He's lucky he wasn't executed.
How do you know about it? You keeping tabs on him? Girls talk.
When Bosley drags his ancient ass in there I'm here.
Twenty-four year old funeral cosmetician suffered a grand mal seizure at work.
Why does he get to be Bosley? You want to be Bosley? Bosley's, like, the asexual messenger boy.
She had a vision of being raped by a cadaver before passing out.
Seizure rules out psychiatric illness.
No history of epilepsy, head trauma or drug use.
Bosley keeps his job while they replace five angels over three seasons.
Could be a tumor to the temporal lobe.
Not with a normal CT scan.
You mean, it appeared normal to the doc in the ER.
Way to get right back on that horse, Thirteen.
No, that was Amber.
Nice try, Cutthroat Bitch.
That was the worst Thirteen imitation I've ever heard.
Funeral home prep rooms are filled with toxic chemicals.
And cadavers.
Everybody in that place obviously died from something.
I have a question.
Is he the one who's not a doctor? Bullets aren't contagious, but infections, parasites You said one of us wasn't a doctor, and you called him a fraud.
He's not a doctor.
Continue, Bos.
Could be an STD.
Why isn't he fired? You're breaking up.
Going into a tunnel.
Dark Religious Nut.
What did you call me? I'm sorry.
What do you people want to be called this week? Cole.
No, I'm never gonna remember that.
Take Bosley and the other visible minority to the funeral home.
The rest of you young, white people, the world is your oyster.
Do an MRI with contrast, EEG, LP and a blood panel.
And, angels, be careful.
Just because he's religious, doesn't mean he won't kick your ass.
You want to bet? No.
I want you to stop being such a jerk to him.
Smart call.
The guy's a wuss.
He'll be the next one on the train.
Define "kick your ass.
" Any physical confrontation? Or verbal? Define verbal.
Anything over And you can't start suddenly being nice to him.
You realize what you're encouraging here.
Someone kicking your ass.
The space inside is smaller than I thought.
Don't worry, Reena.
The doctors are gonna take good care of you, right? Once the Valium kicks in you'll feel better.
And then we'll have some nice, warm milk when you're done.
I'd rather have more Valium.
Oh, Reena! Let's wait just a bit, see how it goes.
Try to lie as still as possible.
Guess Father Time's a lock for one of the spots.
Thirteen's a lock.
He doesn't have a medical license and he's still around.
She killed a guy in a wheelchair and his dog.
He doesn't care about our qualifications, our ideas, he just wants to have fun.
And she's the ultimate fun, because he can't figure her out.
This game is insane.
So quit.
Happy to lose the competition.
If it's gonna be on your résumé, it's got to be better to quit than get fired.
Either quit or shut up.
Actually, with House, getting fired might look better.
House is a dangerous egomaniac.
That's why I left.
We had different ideas on how to practice.
Glad to hear it.
Tell me about Mercy.
To be honest, I don't think Dr.
Schaffer really gave me a chance.
Obviously not.
You were there for three weeks.
What happened? I saved a patient's life.
That's usually not grounds for dismissal.
Have you spoken to her? Yes.
Then why are you asking me what happened? You have an excellent résumé.
I felt I owed it to you to hear what you had to say.
What did she tell you? That you defied her instructions and hospital procedures.
That's what happened, nothing more I can add to that.
You could tell me that you were wrong.
Sounds like you didn't leave House quite soon enough.
Cadavers were clean, so is her food.
It's all organic, unprocessed crap.
It's got to be the embalming fluid.
Ethanol can have psychoactive effects and Bosley, tell whoever's talking that he's an idiot.
Bosley? Either tell him he's an idiot, or tell me why I'm wrong.
You're an idiot.
You actually think that I'd take a patient who had a seizure in a funeral home, if the ER hadn't already ruled out embalming fluid? I thought we weren't supposed to trust Idiot! From the old French, idiote, meaning effeminate, mentally deficient Moor.
I found something in the mortuary's files from '05.
A 48-year-old male's cause of death was listed as pneumonia, but the symptoms in the autopsy report didn't fit.
Confusion, memory loss, depression Mad cow.
Very cool.
No, she's a vegetarian and only ate organic vegetables, at that.
Tell him he's an idiot again.
The disease can be spread by brain tissue.
Which is very cool.
Run with it.
So, because the answer might be cool, you want us to do a brain biopsy on a 24-year-old woman? No, because the answer is something cool, I want you to do a brain biopsy on a 48-year-old dead guy.
The guy's already been buried.
We dig him up.
I'm not digging up a body without a court order.
Don't think of it as digging up a body.
Think of it as keeping another one from being buried.
I can't do it.
Are we gonna have another one of those ecumenical discussions where I tell you that your beliefs are ridiculous and you totally cave? I just got to be home at 6:00.
The Sabbath.
The Lord works for six days, then tells the union he needs a rest.
You know, if I was all-powerful I think I'd take at least two days.
It's Thursday.
Well, then it must be the kid.
You have oatmeal on your pants.
Do you have a camera in here? Nope, I was guessing.
He had oatmeal on his pants yesterday and the day before.
Have one of your wives look after the spawn.
I'm a single dad.
Where's the single mom? I have no idea.
You claim a lapse of judgment, or are you gonna admit that a lapse in judgment is a lapse in faith? He's gone.
Fair enough.
Family comes first.
Cuddy? I'm Amber Volakis, one of Dr.
House's new fellows.
Sexual harassment claims go through HR, stress-related leaves through workers comp, and any accusations of criminal activities go directly to the Princeton-Plainsboro police department.
Actually, I was wondering if you needed any extra help in the clinic tonight.
You're not gonna score any points with House by kissing my ass.
Understood, but I hear Dr.
House hates clinic duty.
If he were to hear through the grapevine that I was willing to work overtime, take some of it off his hands My advice to you is to do whatever House wants you to do tonight.
And then tomorrow night you can come back and I will give you extra clinic duty.
Does everybody around here have trust issues? I don't know what House wants you to do and I don't want to know.
But if you really have a problem with it, quit now.
It's only gonna get worse.
All right.
Who's up? Not me.
You haven't done any digging yet.
I'm a surgeon.
If anything happens to these hands, I'm screwed.
Let Bosley do it.
As long as he can keep folding laundry, His career Someone's coming.
Hey, shouldn't we be running? If it's a cop, run.
Security guard, I say we take him down.
Sorry I'm late.
Where the hell have you been? I got lost.
We've been here over three hours.
Really lost.
I brought coffee and donuts.
So, Thirteen, you grow up around here? We're digging up a grave and you want to chit-chat? I'm just making conversation.
It's what people do.
Why are you hiding everything? And I'm asking you that question because you're hiding everything.
There's something seriously wrong with you.
I'm worried.
No, you're not.
Fine, but I am freaked, because I don't think you're a freak.
I think you're doing this on purpose because you know House will be intrigued.
Yeah, I grew up around here.
Honey, I'm home.
Get the crowbar.
No, there's not enough room to maneuver a crowbar down here.
Oh, God help us.
What the hell? What is it? Ankles.
They buried the guy the wrong way around.
The doctors' lounge is covered in mud.
Thirteen and Cutthroat Bitch had a disagreement.
Cafeteria was out of Jell-O.
There were pickaxes.
Either you had them dig up a body, or you're building a railroad.
A little, tiny piece of his brain.
Seemed a waste.
He wasn't using it anymore.
That's your defense? "We just dismembered him.
" They're looking for Creutzfeldt-Jakob.
You get the results yet? Does my breath smell bated to you? Yes.
Let me know when you hear anything.
And get that mess in the shower area cleaned up.
I know just the guy.
How many of them agreed to dig up a grave? Six.
But don't worry, the one who didn't, didn't stand on principle.
He just had a diaper to change.
I really think there are no bad choices in this group.
You guys don't wipe your feet when you come in the house? Doctors' lounge, let's go.
Why me? Well, I can't ask the black guy or one of the chicks to do it.
That would be insensitive.
And you can't ask Bosley because that'd look like you only hired the non-doctor to do non-doctor stuff.
You keep stalling, you're still gonna clean up, but I won't let you have the mop.
Sample came back negative for Creutzfeldt-Jakob.
Well, that discussion didn't last long.
I just don't know what else there is.
We had an idea, it was wrong.
Well, we could go home.
I mean, we have no idea what's wrong with her, which means it could be completely benign.
Or, on the off chance that it's killing her, we could take it again from the top.
You've already done everything.
We may have missed something.
I just want to go home.
I'm sure I'm fine now.
Reena, the doctors know best.
You had some serious symptoms If I have another one, I'll come right back.
Okay? If you have it while you're driving You can drive me, make sure I take it easy.
Who can? My mother.
Your mother's here? What are you talking about? She's right there.
You sampled every bodily fluid, peeked in her brain, violated a cadaver's privacy, dug up a body, but missed the fact that she was still seeing things that weren't there.
Neurological symptoms are getting worse.
It'd be nice if one of you angelslmorons had a clue why.
We did a full history.
She never mentioned seeing or hearing anything unusual.
Well, as long as she never said anything, how were you to know? Same thing with the spinal fluid? She tell you that was fine? The labs were all clear.
Then either we're about to meet the Alpha and Omega, or you missed something.
We missed the new symptom.
It's not a new symptom.
We always knew she had hallucinations.
Seeing your dead mother's a hallucination.
Not knowing she's dead is a delusion.
You keep this up, you're gonna have to start wearing sexier clothes.
Carbon monoxide could also cause delusions.
A lot of haunted houses There's no headache, no tachycardia.
I guess they didn't cover that at your medical school.
What about a hereditary connection? I mean, she's 24.
Her mother died when she was 25.
In Ukraine, 20 years ago.
Good luck trying to get those records.
So we start new records.
Test for every hereditary disease that fits the symptoms.
There are at least 40 different mitochondrial disorders, another couple hundred Start with amyloidosis and you keep going until you reach zamyloidosis.
Now what are you testing for? Or should I ask what you are not testing for? Well, we could narrow it down if you could remember what your mother died from.
My mother is not dead.
She's sitting right there.
Do you think we're lying to you? Leave it alone.
Convincing her that her mother's dead isn't gonna make her better, just miserable.
You lose your mother? Do you think we're trying to trick you? Why would we do that? Because you're mean, and you're not good at your job.
Reena, stop.
You're being cruel.
They're wasting time, doing exactly what the guy in the wheelchair said they'd do.
A guy in a wheelchair was here? You know who I'm talking about.
He's been hanging around ever since they brought me in, complaining about how incompetent everyone is.
He said you killed his dog.
It doesn't make any sense.
I'm not interested.
If you weren't interested, you wouldn't be here.
I thought it was social.
No, you didn't.
You always think there's an agenda.
That's why I left.
That's why you're good.
You need a job.
I'll find a job.
I need someone that understands House.
They'll learn.
I need someone that can control House.
Keep looking.
It might take a while.
I'll cut the salary of everyone else on the team 15º/º, give it to you.
That's more than you'll get anywhere else.
What does House say about this? You're the one person on the team that he always respected.
This restaurant is 20 minutes out of your way, half an hour out of mine.
You picked it to make sure House didn't drop in on us.
It's my decision, not his.
You tell him that, then run back to your office while I get to deal with him.
I left for a reason.
That reason hasn't changed.
So, what's the news? Everything's negative so far.
Why wait to finish before reporting to me? I have things to do, you know.
She's seeing someone else.
That's not news, that's olds.
Damn it.
Why did God design the human body this way? A guy in a wheelchair.
In a hospital? That's enough to give you the heebie-jeebies.
He had a dog.
She's seeing Stark, our last patient.
Well, if it's Stark, he wouldn't be haunting a patient, he'd be haunting the doctor who killed him.
She probably just overheard someone talking about it, or Probably? You think there's a possibility that the alternative is true? No.
Then go away.
We're wasting time.
We ran 32 gels, we could run 100 more.
Without knowing how her mother died You're gonna have to run 100 more.
By you, of course, I'm only referring to the people who care enough about human life to put in a full day.
You want to carpool? How do you expect me to respond to this stuff? Exactly like you just did.
I have a theory.
Maybe you can help me out.
Black Mormon means masochist, means kinky.
I'm thinking that someone got hurt making the bastard.
Am I right? You leave my son out of this.
I wasn't referring to your kid's hypocrisy.
I was referring to yours.
Why don't we just ask her how she died? Because she won't tell us.
She thinks her mother's still alive.
I don't mean ask the patient.
I mean, ask her mother.
Come on.
What the hell does that mean? You guys talking your own language now? I'm sorry.
I'll try to include some visual aids next time.
Now, what? I'm Dr.
Is your mom around? Why should I tell you? You're just gonna tell me I'm lying or crazy.
I'm not gonna do that.
I really need to know what she has to say.
What do you want? When you were young, was she No, not you.
The man in the wheelchair? No.
He's old.
Actually, looks like you.
Yeah, that's Grandpa House.
Tell him to call back on a landline.
Terrible reception in here.
How much pain was your mom in? It's Walter.
He says his name is Walter.
Can I help you? My patient's talking to my Grandpa Walt.
You have a Grandpa Walt? Nope.
Which is what made me suspect that maybe she's not actually seeing into the afterlife.
What is this sudden obsession with the afterlife? My only obsession is with the idiots in the right-here-and-now life who think there's an afterlife.
And you want me to Nothing.
Just needed a place to hang low for a while.
I'm pretending to be spooked.
Because? Because if my soon-to-be-brain-dead patient thinks that I believe her, maybe she'll let me chat with her mother's ghost.
The one you don't believe exists.
The ghost is a hallucination, which is the result of a delusion, which most likely is the result of a hereditary disease that her mother died from when the patient was four.
And you think you can tap into her subconscious memory by tapping into her hallucination.
She might not know what caused her mother's death, but she will know how she acted before she died.
You're quite impressed with yourself right now, aren't you? Who wouldn't be? Well, that should be long enough.
Back in a flash.
Take your time.
Is my grandfather still here? No.
He should be right back.
He just went to get some warm milk.
But your mom's still here, right? Yes, of course.
I know she's fine, now, but when you were four or five, she got sick.
You sure? She wasn't in any pain? I wasn't in pain.
No, she was just tired.
And sometimes she would stay in bed all day.
Did she ever fall down? Of course.
Everyone falls down once in a while.
Sometimes, not that often.
How often? Maybe it was actually more than once in a while.
Remember that time in the bathroom? Mmm.
A few times.
Once she hit her head on the bathroom sink.
There was blood all over the floor.
I got it on my sweater.
I They took her away.
Yeah, to the place where the doctor made her better.
But before that, what about her arms and legs? Did she ever walk funny, like, sort of bent over? I thought that was from growing up on the farm! What about her hands? Did she ever have any difficulty sewing, buttoning a shirt? No.
But sometimes my hands would shiver.
Like I was cold, but I wasn't.
I never quite understood.
She used to get the shivers.
Like she was cold.
Start her on L-dopa and bromocriptine.
It's just Parkinson's.
Cole, how's it going with your patient? Still seeing stuff.
I hear House is treating you like crap.
He treats everyone badly.
Yeah, but I heard you're special.
Well, I can handle it.
Maybe you shouldn't.
He's gonna walk all over you if you let him.
That says nothing about me, just him.
House respects people who aren't afraid of him.
Get in his face.
Yell, if you have to.
I don't need his respect.
You do if you want the job.
Thanks for the advice.
You have to hold still.
I'm trying! Damn! Hold her down! No! Stop it! Let me do it.
No, no.
Hold her down! No! No! No! Irene? Irene? You stabbed me.
You were having a nightmare.
It wasn't real.
My arm is bleeding.
It's okay now, your arm's not Lesions aren't explained by Parkinson's.
Any theories? What, ghost got your tongue? I'm fine.
What about vasculitis? MRI didn't indicate any cerebral ischemia.
But she has shown some focal weakness, urinary retention.
Those are her big mystery symptoms, not the hallucinations that vasculitis doesn't explain.
Unless it's retinal vasculitis.
House, this guy may be smart, and I'm sure he's great to share a beer with, but if he doesn't know that visual symptoms are an electrical issue, not vascular, two separate systems So are the banks and the power grid, but if I don't pay my bills my lights go out.
Vasculitis restricts blood flow to nerves, messes with electrical function.
Acute intermittent porphyria is a better fit.
If you're wrong about porphyria, the treatment could box her kidneys.
Vasculitis is treated with corticosteroids, relatively harmless.
Start her on the steroids.
House, he's not Then test for both so he can stop whining.
Big Love, have I humiliated you in the last half-hour? No.
Check your e-mail.
How's it going? Great.
The only way he can turn any more cheeks is by pulling down his pants.
He's not a wuss.
It takes a lot more strength We didn't bet on how strong he was.
So, you're gonna collect $100 and fire him because he has principles? What's your agenda here? You obviously don't care about the 100.
He's a decent, smart You don't care about the team.
Does it annoy Wilson when you ask questions and ignore the answers? Very much.
You only care about who I hire and who I fire because you miss going through my mail.
You can't stop controlling me.
No one controls you.
Want your job back? No.
Too bad, you can't have it.
She'll take care of this.
You can take it out of the 100 you're gonna owe me.
I met House at a conference about five years ago.
He's quite a character.
Yes, he is.
Probably one of the best medical minds of our generation.
I agree.
I learned an awful lot from him.
I'll bet you did.
I see here you just did a stint at Mercy.
It says here "'07 to Present.
" How long were you there? About a month.
Schaffer was great, but it just wasn't the right fit.
Wait, was that you with Dr.
Schaffer and the lymphoma patient? It was It was a tough situation.
I probably could've handled it better.
No, Dr.
Schaffer's got a stick up her rear, good for you.
What made you so sure it was lymphoma? There was an unusual lactic acid level in one of her labs.
I had a similar case a few months ago.
God, I wish I had your stones.
Well, my stones are on the market.
No, I mean, seriously, I wish I had your stones.
I could cram you down the board of directors.
But I don't.
I'm sorry, man.
Good luck.
When your retinas see something, they send electrical signals to your brain.
These lenses will pick up those signals.
If the signals are misfiring, it'll confirm that an old man without a medical license is smarter than all of us, that your hallucinations were caused by They're not hallucinations.
Tell them, Mom.
Honey, they're doctors.
They must know what they're doing.
If they know what they're doing, how did they kill that poor man's dog? Come on, this has got to be freaking you out a little bit.
I appreciate your concern.
There's nothing to be ashamed of here.
If the ghost of a man you killed doesn't screw with your head, there's something wrong with your head.
See, that freaks me out.
Someone must have left it in here.
Absolutely, that makes sense, some dog was in here getting his eyes checked and forgot to put his jewelry back on.
This isn't working.
You're just making me sicker, like he said you What's wrong? My stomach, it hurts.
Code in the eye lab.
Lean forward, Irene.
You're gonna aspirate.
I can't.
It hurts.
Why won't you help me? Spleen's ripe to bursting.
You guys thought it was vasculitis? You used to be on House's team, right? Yeah.
Got a lot of blood in here.
You got any advice for me? Nope.
You always put up with his crap? Yeah.
Was it a mistake? It was irrelevant.
Well, he fired you.
He'll fire you either way.
Cameron told me about Don't want to know.
Why not? Because House is watching.
Not a metaphor.
Look up.
You guys gonna shoot the breeze, or you gonna do something about all that bleeding? That's not coming from the spleen.
It's the liver.
It's necrotic.
She's dying from the inside out.
Enlarged spleen and liver failure are classic AIP.
It's porphyria and it's moving fast.
PBGs were negative.
If you read the reports PBG tests are only conclusive if done during an attack, which you would know if you were a real doctor.
That is just great.
What is? Which one of us is? Both of you.
Passionate to prove the other one wrong.
Couldn't care less about the patient, but it all works out the same.
I hate Thirteen.
Not as productively.
It could still be vascular.
Vasculitis is off the board.
Steroid treatment didn't help.
Vascular isn't just vasculitis.
Something's got to be cutting off the blood supply to her liver and spleen.
Do a visceral angiogram.
This is a joke, right? He can't be right every single time.
You're feeding him your ideas just to embarrass us.
If I wanted to embarrass you, I'd have you mop up the doctors' lounge.
Heavenly Father, I pray thee that thou shalt give the Holy Ghost unto all them that shall believe in their words.
Irene, what are you doing? I need to touch it.
Put your hand down.
No! Give it to me! I want it! Give it to me! No! What the angio say? We couldn't finish.
She started groping me.
And you couldn't let her get to second base just to get the test done? I think that's third base.
She was convulsing, delirious and hyper-salivating.
We had to knock her out with lorazepam.
Well, that's definitely not vascular.
What do you want us to do? The question is, what would Joseph Smith do? This isn't the time for anti Casting out the demons? The patient's not possessed.
She's dying.
You can mock me tomorrow.
You believe that the book has all the answers.
To morality, not science.
But the book is inconsistent with science.
You know how many epileptics were tortured because they were possessed? How many teenage witches were stoned to death, because they took mushrooms? Just shut up already.
We got a patient dying.
You either got to prescribe an exorcism, or admit to me that Smith was a horny fraud.
I know what she has.
You couldn't have spoken up You would have saved me 100 bucks.
Mushrooms weren't the only thing that got people stoned to death, jimsonweed, belladonna, mandrake root and moldy bread.
It's ergot poisoning.
You'd need damp grain that's Completely unprocessed and untreated, like what's in that organic rye bread she's been eating.
Should I be going home? Is it 6:00? It's why she got worse on the bromocriptine.
It's an ergot derivative.
There hasn't been a case in 50 years.
She kept asking for milk.
Dairy products counteract the effects.
You think she knew what she had and was treating it? Cravings based on actual needs, it's a fairly common evolutionary development.
You okay with an answer based on evolution? Yeah.
It's the stuff they make LSD from.
The treatment you're on should So, I've just been tripping? It explains the hallucinations, seizures, delusions Constricts the blood vessels, which explains the necrosis.
She's not here? I'm sorry, no.
The fact that you're even willing to accept that answer means the medicine is starting to work.
But you'll live.
You're beautiful, Reena.
You too, Mama.
I'm going to miss you.
As you know, there are seven of you and One, two, three, four Only six roses.
Those are peonies.
But I'm sure they're part of the rose family.
Actually, I'm surprised there are seven of you.
You punch your boss and stick around? Give me the flower and shut up.
Don't overdo it.
Now, I would love to keep all of you, but not enough to do anything about it.
So, according to my arbitrary schedule, one of you has to go.
You're kidding! I came up with the answer.
I robbed a grave.
I Planted a dog collar in the procedure room just to screw with my head.
No, I never.
What, you don't believe she did it? I'm sure she did it.
That's why she's getting the flower.
It was beautiful, she just overreached.
She got into your head.
No, I She owned you.
Planting the idea was good.
Letting it fester was good.
Leaving the collar was stupid.
Well-known fact, ghosts don't leave things lying around.
So, am I gone then? Oh, my goodness.
I totally forgot about you two.
Well played.
Sorry, Henry.
We had some giggles.
You agreed with everything he said.
You finished each other's sentences.
That's why I got to go.
Don't need someone to tell you what you're already thinking.
Funny, I was gonna say that.
If you want to hang out Yeah, I know.
Call Wilson.
The rest of you, Cash will be fine.
I bet you say that to all the guys.
Take your blood money.
Who are you gonna protect next? If I told you, it wouldn't work.
I've re-thought some things.
Glad to hear it.
I'm prepared to come back on a number of conditions.
I want the raise you promised, plus five percent.
I want my own office and a personal assistant.
That's not unreasonable.
I will give you none of those.
You can come back at your original salary.
What's going on? You haven't re-thought anything.
You've just been black-balled.
You're "House, Lite" now.
The only administrator that will touch you is the one who hired "House, Classic.
" The good news is she'll pretend she's not doing you a favor.
I can start Monday.

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