House, M.D. s07e22 Episode Script

HOU-722 - After Hours

Darrien? What the hell happened? We got to get you to a hospital.
No, no, you're a doctor, just stitch me up.
It's more complicated than that.
We need to The cops will be waiting for me at the hospital.
They're gonna bust me back inside just for being with felons.
You stay here, they bust me.
I can't go back, Remy.
Neither can I.
God forbid, you die, I'm up for manslaughter.
I'll find someone else.
You leave, you bleed out.
You're gonna die.
Stop! Promise me you won't take me to the hospital.
I promise.
Look at how much fun she's having.
That's because he has two functioning legs capable of supporting her body weight.
So do I.
You told me most of your muscle was cut out.
I was going for the sympathy discount.
Been taking some experimental medicine.
Yeah, I got a lot of clients on experimental medicine.
You want proof? Okay, this amp stack weighs way more than you do.
See? Now, even if those implants were made of adamantium, I'd still be able to Sorry.
I'm sure.
I'm not gonna be needing your services tonight after all.
Bowel's intact.
Inferior vena cava is fine.
Your liver got nicked, but it feels clotted off.
I don't see any other signs of internal bleeding.
So I'm okay? Define "okay".
Just because I don't see bleeding doesn't mean it's not there.
your pressure every two minutes.
If you dip below 90, it means it is there and we have a problem.
Oh, sorry.
I should get to work.
Ruby We'll talk more in the morning.
Goodnight, Eric.
You two breaking up? She's pregnant.
I need a drink.
There was a raid.
Andre needed to do something to slow the cops down.
He stabbed you as a distraction? It didn't work.
Cops called an ambulance, left me lying there.
Come on, give me crap.
I know what I told you about him, but it's not his fault I started using again.
It's mine.
What? According to this, you're dead.
You have no blood pressure.
You barely have a pulse.
Am I dying? You're talking and alert, so your brain is getting blood.
Pulse in your right arm is fine, so is your BP.
THIRTEEN ON PHONE: Are you busy? Yeah, I'm about to go out.
Can you do me a huge favor? I need you to go to the hospital and check out a portable ultrasound machine for me.
Who's the father? I have a leak in my bathroom, and my guy won't come take a look at it till tomorrow morning, and an emergency plumber is 200 bucks an hour.
Figured you'd be wrapping up the trial by now.
I just wanted to give you a hearty mazel tov.
And don't forget the Nobel Prize for developing an incredibly expensive rat poison.
What do you mean? What happened? Tumors.
Just look at these things.
Any indication the rats were getting sick? Just some cramping.
Their legs would stiffen up.
They were having trouble moving around.
We just thought their bodies were adjusting to the increase in muscle mass, but in a day or so, they just started dying.
Oh, well, get a new compound to play with next week.
One portable ultrasound, extra pepperoni.
Thank you so much.
I might be late tomorrow.
Your socks are dry.
And unfortunately, so is your shirt, which means you either just changed to greet me, or you need this for something medical.
I am a doctor.
She's my friend.
I was in prison.
You killed your own brother? Yes, it was awful and devastating, but it wasn't murder.
He was sick and he wanted to die, and I promised I would help.
Now please stop pacing and help me find this thing.
Have you talked to anybody about it? I mean, are you okay? No, I may have an aortic arch aneurysm.
Oh, wait, that's her.
Either help me or leave.
I'm having trouble getting a clear look.
Try a long axis view from the suprasternal notch.
Wait! Put on some gloves, she's got Hep-C.
I take it you two were cellmates.
Just friends.
She saved me.
There's a culture in prison.
If you don't have someone to show you how to get the stuff you need, or stay away from the stuff you don't, you're screwed.
Her fingers are turning blue.
Can you move those? My arm's starting to go numb.
Arch of the aorta's clear, this can't be an aneurysm.
Maybe the wound threw a clot.
Check in axillary arteries.
Right there.
Five centimeter gooey mass.
Not a clot, maybe a lipoma? What the hell is that? A fat filled sack, probably aggravated by the stab wound.
You got any syringes in here? Give me that.
I was stabbed in my gut, not in my arm.
You lost a lot of blood, gave the lipoma room to swell.
It's compressing the arteries in your arm, blocking your blood flow.
Maybe we can suck some of it out.
You'll be fine.
Little pinch.
That's not a lipoma.
I don't know why she's even considering having my kid.
She barely knows me.
All she knows is I'm a short, balding guy.
That doesn't even make evolutionary sense.
You want her to keep it? No.
'Cause you'd make a crappy dad.
I said, "No.
" You're too selfish, that's why you cheated on your wife, why your marriage fell apart Dude, I said I know you.
The only reason you're sitting in a strip club, ignoring the strip club, is because you actually are considering it.
Although, without crappy dads in the world Try moving your fingers again.
Good, means it's almost drained.
Not good enough.
We don't know if it's gonna come back, we don't even know what it is.
Drugs, viruses, toxins from that crack house, and God knows where else she's been.
If this were caused by the drugs, she'd have kidney failure, cardiac involvement.
What about her Hep-C? Could have fried her liver, loses its synthetic function.
Then her entire body would be swelling, not just her arm.
Leaves us with toxins.
Where exactly were you when you were attacked? You're not doing a home search in a crack den.
That's insane.
Apparently we don't have much of a choice.
It's a crime scene.
And it's not toxins or viruses, or anything else you mentioned because it's not a coincidence.
Her symptoms have to be related to the stabbing.
What if her body used up all the clotting factors dealing with the stab wound? Explains the bloody mass.
But if you're right, she could start bleeding anywhere.
Like, in her brain or in her heart.
Wait, one of those things could start growing in my brain? It's time to get you to the hospital.
Remy, you promised.
All we'll do at the hospital is stick her in a patient bed and give her IV clotting factor.
We can do that right here.
We could also embalm her right here.
I'll call the drugs and you go pick them up.
If I'm right, she'll be fine.
Look, I know you don't know her and you don't care about her, but I do.
Lie down, elevate your shoulder.
You said Andre wasn't responsible for the drugs.
What is? I don't know.
Yes, you do.
What happened to you? If you don't deal with the real problem I came here because you were a doctor, not a shrink.
Your lap is vibrating.
Oh, sorry.
Ah, it's my boss.
Probably drunk, wants a ride home.
Let him take a cab.
Do you have any kids? Why? You like moms? I could be your mommy.
Spank your little ass.
Uh, no, I What would you do if you got pregnant? Not by me, at all, but by some hypothetical guy, who didn't wanna keep the hypothetical kid, what would be the least awful way for him to tell you that? Don't talk.
Just let mama dance for you.
Should I send flowers? Maybe write the clinic appointment on the little card? "Surprise.
" I hate myself! There's just no good way to How long have you had this mole? It's asymmetrical.
No touching.
Have you been to see a dermatologist? Bobby.
I wasn't touching her.
I was just Oh, God.
No, please don't.
Please Please put the gun down.
Put it down on the ground and get away.
D? I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
D, what is it? I'm so sorry.
I'm sorry.
Why aren't you in your bed? I'll give ye splinters in yer arse, ye mangy bilge rat.
What are you watching? TV, you bloody scallywag.
Mom Someone better be dying.
She hallucinated.
I need you to go back out.
I just called in more clotting factor.
So, she's bleeding in her brain now? We double up the dose, she'll be fine.
We bring her to the hospital, we do a CT scan to locate the bleed, drill a burr hole in her skull, and maybe she'll be fine.
We can drill a burr hole here.
You're not just risking our careers here.
You could go back to prison.
I made a promise.
You made a promise? I will not take her to the hospital.
Then I will.
I'm gonna move you, then I'm gonna pick your friend up, carry her down to my car, take her to the hospital, and try to save her life.
She's staying here.
Move! She's going to the hospital.
Sweetie, go wait for Mommy by the couch, okay? Go on.
I tried calling everyone else.
You were the last one on the list.
Any reason why 911 wasn't on the list? It's not an emergency.
Are you suicidal? I'm not attempting bypass surgery.
The tumors are small and they're close to the surface.
I thought it'd be like removing a wart.
You couldn't wait till morning, bring your CT scans to an actual surgeon? Surgeons are idiots.
They just hack away at the muscle till they get worn out.
Or you're just ashamed you've been injecting a drug that hasn't even gone through safety trials.
It's never even been in the human body.
I got one of the tumors.
The second one is close.
You can use the CT to help you find the third.
I'm taking you to the hospital.
Just excise the tumor.
Absolutely not! Elevate her head more.
Don't bother.
The cops are gonna be waiting at the front door.
I'll go in first.
I'll find a patient on life support who's just waiting to die.
We'll use that name on all your tests.
No one will ever know you're there.
What happened to your leg? I was trying to make it better.
He was being reckless.
Sit back, honey.
This isn't about making your leg better.
It's about making your life better.
Oh, here we go.
Wish I had called 911.
Why else would you risk your life doing something so stupid? Well, you know, I've had a lot of setbacks lately.
Don't blame our break-up for this.
You're not unhappy because of me.
You're just unhappy.
Unhappy people do reckless things.
Darrien! Stop screaming, my head hurts.
I need you to stay awake, talk to me.
About what? When you were screaming in my room, what did you think you saw? You said, "Put it down on the ground and get away.
" Sounds like a cop.
Old habits, I guess.
You were a cop? Back when I was a decent person.
How do I not know this? You knew everything Not a good resume when you're trying to survive in prison.
So who were you talking to in my bedroom? Why did you keep apologizing? Because I'm sorry.
For what? I killed a kid.
He was 19.
I went in first, saw him going for his gun.
I tried to talk him down, but They told me I was a hero.
So that's when you started using drugs.
I'm sorry.
Darrien! She lost consciousness.
There are no cars coming, just go.
The light is red, you bloody scallywag.
Stop with the pirate talk.
If you don't want Brownbeard to end up with two wooden legs, you should get your ma to move this ship, ye mangy bilge rat.
Of course.
You showed her that filthy cartoon.
What kind of idiot lets a three-year-old watch that? If you wanna lecture me on my poor judgment, there would seem to be more relevant examples.
There you are.
You were in the VIP room so long I thought you were gonna pay off that girl's mortgage.
I got tossed out by Bobby the Bouncer.
You touched her? I was looking at her mole.
- Genius! - Let's go home.
I wanna wait for the girl, make sure that mole's okay.
Bobby the Bouncer sees you standing out here like a stalker, he's gonna break open your skull.
It was asymmetrical, it could be cancerous.
You want to get your skull cracked open.
You're trying to punish yourself.
I want to fulfill my oath as a doctor.
You think you're a screw-up because you got a girl pregnant and you deserve to suffer.
You don't.
You just need some sleep and you'll handle this mess.
Let's get in the car.
She's probably off work soon.
Give me the keys, I'll drive.
I'll get a cab.
Good luck with everything.
You were defending your friend beyond all rationality, granting her the right to die in your bedroom.
Was it really all because of a promise? That word means something to some people.
Not that much.
I don't see the bleed, I'm moving down to the brain stem.
You promised your brother you'd euthanize him, and you think you won't feel bad about it as long as you can blame it on the promise.
That's why you have this twisted obligation to keep all promises.
Or your carefully constructed defense mechanism could crumble down.
I saved my brother from a lot of pain.
Reconstructed image is clear.
There's no bleed in Darrien's brain.
Image just blurred.
Did she wake up? She's shivering.
She must have a fever.
Infection? It couldn't be from the stabbing.
It has to be from the stabbing.
Wait, no, it couldn't be acting that quickly.
Well then, what's wrong with her? Your heart rate's over 120.
You're clammy.
I think you're going into shock.
Are you lightheaded? I'm fine.
Did you see the new Brownbeard episode? It was so funny.
No, it was so lame.
A boat full of guy pirates and they make the girl pirate walk the plank.
She floated.
That's 'cause she had big boobies.
That's why he should've kept her.
We gotta get you into surgery.
Where is that nurse? Rachel, let's go find the nurse.
to call me back.
Chase and I are in the hospital with a patient.
You've completely run out of ideas and you're calling me to bail you out.
I'm touched.
Hit me.
Command, please.
Call Ruby.
Would you like to call Ruby on mobile? No.
She on any medication besides crack? She was taking interferon in prison, so I'm guessing she's had Hep-C for at least 10 years.
Can I guess stuff, too? 'Cause that's gonna make the diagnosis really easy.
Prison infirmary isn't known for stellar record keeping.
And we can't exactly ask the patient.
Yeah, that would've been pre-coma.
But how could you have known that it would affect her that way? We didn't think we had anything mysterious until What about renal cancer throwing clots? Urinalysis was negative.
That's too bad.
'Cause that was my one big idea.
Really? House? House, you there? Tell me more about the patient.
What was she doing before prison? She was a cop, shot a kid in self defense, never got over the guilt, started taking drugs and got busted.
Way to bury the lead.
How long ago was this shooting? I'm not sure.
Why? Again, you assumed she's had Hep-C for 10 years.
But if you find out when she shot the kid, you'll find out when she started taking drugs, and when she actually contracted the Hep-C.
And you think this is relevant? It's more relevant than what you got now, which is squat.
Three chicks just came into my bedroom.
I gotta go.
Command, please.
Call Rachel.
Would you like to call Rachel on mobile? No.
What the hell? I really am a doctor.
I just wanted Cop another feel? Get away from me.
No, that mole.
I just wanted Please don't call Bobby.
Just calm down.
Shut up! Sick perv.
Get down on your knees.
You think I'm kidding? Turn around and get down on your knees.
Please don't.
I said shut up! You think you're the first guy who thought he was special? You think you can do whatever you want? I am not going through that again! Find anything? Shockingly, a punk kid getting shot pulling a gun on a cop did not make national news.
Is your neck okay? Yeah, it's fine.
I'll get you some ice.
I said it was fine.
I shouldn't have grabbed you so hard.
You had to.
You were right about everything.
I got something.
Darrien must've had a different last name then.
She must have been married.
We never actually talked about how long she'd been in.
House was right.
She could've only had Hep-C for a few years.
There's no way the prison would've prescribed interferon, unless the lab showed her Hep-C to be chronic.
So, what makes new Hep-C look like old Hep-C? What if she got a parasite? The Hep-C made her susceptible, and the parasite sped up the liver damage.
Throw in a parasitoma, the stab wound could have freed them, sent them coursing through her bloodstream, wreaking havoc.
A single bag of metronidazole.
If we're right, she could wake up from the coma in a few hours.
They're ready for you.
I want you in there.
I'm not a surgeon.
There's nothing I can do.
Well, you can make sure that idiot butcher doesn't cut more than he needs to.
You already signed a release.
He's gonna do what he needs to do.
Yeah, and if that involves chopping off my leg, I want to be sure that that's damn well necessary.
House I don't trust him.
I trust you.
Can you hear me? Yeah.
You had parasites in your liver.
Probably from a dirty needle, or prison, or who knows what.
The stabbing made it worse, but you're gonna be okay.
I'm sorry.
We had to.
I told you I couldn't go back.
I shouldn't have trusted you.
I never liked you.
I killed time with you 'cause I was locked in a cage.
You were a distraction.
Someone to talk to so I didn't have to think about everything else.
You're lashing out, I get it.
But in a month, you'll thank me.
Or maybe you won't, I don't know, but I know I saved your life.
Is he going to be okay? He'll be fine.
Close your eyes.
I wish House still came over to play.
Well, maybe you should write him a letter.
Wanna do that? Okay, let's do it.
Ruby? You look like hell and you smell like I've been doing a lot of thinking.
Is that glitter on you? Just hear me out.
Back when I still had my practice, this patient came in, 50-year-old guy wanting a tummy tuck, but when we do some prelim work, we discover that his stomach is filled with cancer.
So instead of telling him that he's gonna look great at the beach, I gotta tell him that he's dying.
Were you at a strip club? Please.
The weird part was I was more upset about the whole thing than he was.
He actually had to calm me down.
He said he had great kids, raised them right, knew that, because of them, he was leaving the world a better place.
I thought I might die last night At a strip club? Yes, I was at a strip club.
And while it was happening, I kept thinking about that patient, and how I wish I was like him.
I wanna have this baby.
Darrien had to shoot that kid.
It was the right thing, completely justified.
But it didn't matter.
She destroyed her life trying to forget.
I'm afraid that's what's gonna happen to me.
You really should talk to someone.
I've talked to a therapist.
It didn't help.
Maybe you should talk to someone who isn't a therapist.
Do you really think you have any idea what it's like to live with something like this? Let's grab a coffee.
Late night? No.
Just haven't had my coffee yet.
Sympathetic yawn.
Ooh, Amish kid collapsed while picking up a hooker.
Top that.
I missed a call from House last night.
He in? You're lucky.
What are you doing here? You hoping for someone else? Hot nurse, candy striper, someone who doesn't speak English, someone who doesn't speak judgmental.
You've got mail.
"I hope your leg feels better, "and I hope we can be friends again soon, you bloody scallywag.
" I have to pee.
That's a good sign.
I'm a big boy.
Course you are.
You're an ass.
What? For trying to walk on a freshly mangled leg? Or for performing surgery on myself? For thinking I can solve my emotional problems with rat medicine? If you're gonna nag, at least have the decency to be specific.
Come on.
Listen to me.
You can't keep going like this.
Something has to change.
Can I pee first? I know.

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