Bob's Burgers s15e07 Episode Script

Boogie Days

[GENE] The French toast
is exquisite today.
- Your father made it.
- You made it?
It's so good I assumed it was frozen.
Uh, thank you?
So, have you thought any
more about the contest, Dad?
Ready to change your maybe to a yes?
Here's the flyer for it again in case
you need to refresh your memory.
I'm familiar with the flyer, Louise.
You taped it to my face after
- I fell asleep last night.
- Yes.
And I don't think you're
supposed to take things off
the community center bulletin board.
How else do you expect me to get a fun
senior water aerobics poster?
There are no good ones on eBay.
Have you even read the flyer, Dad?
- Yeah.
- Read it again. Here we go.
[MOANS] "Come enter the Father-Daughter
"Boogie Board Battle
for a fun day in the sun,
hosted by Little Squirts Surf Shirts."
And it says first prize
is a hundred bucks.
That's a lot of cheddar.
"Cheddar" means money, right?
- On the streets?
- [LINDA] Yeah, sure, Tina.
Too bad it's only for 12 and under.
- I'd get'er that cheddar.
- It also says everyone who enters gets
a free Little Squirts Surf Shirt.
Better be a new one, before
it gets any squirts on it.
Uh, but we don't have
boogie boards, so
Well, the flyer says they have loaners.
- Oh.
- Come on. You, me, next weekend
and a hundred smackers that we split.
Or you just give it all to
me because it's kind of weird
- to split money with a child.
- Hmm.
And didn't Mom say you
actually used to be good
- at boogie boarding, somehow?
- He was.
How? Was your body different then?
- Or was water different?
- Actually, your father's got
- the perfect body for boogie boarding.
- Thank you, Linda.
He's very buoyant. Like a seal.
How come we've never seen you do it?
Well, uh, we opened the restaurant,
and then, uh, we had kids,
and I guess life happened.
- But did it, though, for you?
- Louise
I mean, there was also that other thing
- that happened.
- [GENE] What thing?
World War II? I'm not
sure how old you guys are.
I think what your mom's
referring to is, one time,
- I had a pretty vicious wipe-out.
- He had a little incident
- Little incident? I almost drowned.
- Drowned?
You were in six inches of water.
Yeah, deadly inches.
I saw that, Lin. You
just shook your head.
- No, I didn't. What's that over there?
- [TINA] Hmm?
Linda, I didn't even look
where you were pointing.
I did. What did I miss?
Honey, I believe you
believe it was scary.
It was. It
Everyone, it was. You know what?
- I-I'm not talking about it anymore.
- Good.
Well, what do you say, ready
to get back on the board?
Win a hundred bucks? And my love?
- Um
- Yeah?
- All right, yes. Okay, fine.
- Ho, ho, yes.
- Hmm.
- Good choice, good choice.
It's the triumphant return to the ocean
for the voluptuous Seal-Man.
[TEDDY MOANS] I love eating.
- We know you do.
- Did I say that out loud?
- Y-You did.
- So, your birthday's this weekend.
And remember what you said last year.
So what'd you end up doing
for your birthday, Teddy?
Well, I had that root
canal, and on my way home
- Uh-huh.
- I noticed my tires
- were a little low
- Uh-huh.
- so I went and filled them up.
- Aw.
Then I remembered I
was out of coffee filters
- and toilet paper
- so I swing by the store
- Enough, enough!
Teddy, I can't take this anymore.
Every year, it gets sadder and sadder.
I'm sorry, I'm-I'm just
not a big birthday person.
Listen, you. Either next year
you do something nice for
your birthday or I will make you.
- Are you threatening me, Linda?
- Promise me, Teddy.
- Promise me.
- Okay, okay, I promise.
So, what you doing this
year? It better be good.
You gonna do something with Kathleen?
Eh, she's in Ireland
for a family reunion.
Dang it.
They're having it in
a town called Dingle.
I said, "So you're gonna
be a bunch of Dingle-lings?"
- She didn't text me back.
- Okay, Teddy, a promise is a promise.
We're doing it here, birthday
party at the restaurant.
We're gonna have cupcakes and a candle
and maybe we'll play some party games.
Lin, too much. Grown man.
Okay, maybe just one round of the limbo.
- Lin
- Fine, maybe no games.
But yes, party. You hear me?
Okay, okay.
- Bob's Burgers.
- We got to cancel the birthday thing.
- What?
- I'm going to a funeral.
- What?
- Vernon, the guy who owns the place
that rents out jackhammers
and stuff to contractors?
Ow! Just cut myself shaving.
Anyway, he died. Heart attack.
And the service is today at Mort's.
Oh, no. That's awful.
- Yeah.
- Well, maybe we can do your birthday
- after the service?
- Eh
I-I won't be in the mood
to celebrate anything.
I don't know why, but
funerals make me sad.
Maybe it's 'cause my
dad died at a funeral.
Next year, though. I-I promise.
- But what if
- Oh, boy. Sorry Linda, I-I got to go.
- Lot of blood here. Oh. [SHOUTS]
- We could, we could do Ugh.
Whoa. That's too much sunscreen.
Uh, it-it feels like a lot.
- Teddy's canceling his party.
- I heard.
Uh, sorry you can't do the
party you were making him have.
Aw, poop. I got the
cupcakes from Devondorf's.
- Ooh.
- Well, we can still eat them.
The cupcakes don't know
it's not our birthday.
- Eh
- Anyway, we have a contest to win.
- Bye.
- [TINA] Bye.
Here's the first wave for you to catch.
Get it? [CHUCKLES]
I do. Thank you, Tina.
You know, we probably should
have practiced a little,
- boogie boarding.
- [LAUGHS] Since when are we
a "practice things" type of family?
Besides, if you were
good at boogie boarding,
- how hard can it be?
- Well, that's
[LOUISE] Look at
driftwood. It's doing it.
Is it did it practice that?
[BOB] Hmm, I mean, it's
not really the same.
What, you think you're
better than driftwood?
Most of it.
- Sure there're a few pieces that are
- All right.
Let's go pick out a
board. I can't with you.
Look at these conditions.
Beautiful, huge waves.
Just in time for the
Little Squirts Surf Shirts
Father-Daughter Boogie Board Battle.
Oh, geez.
Come on, Dad. Let's boogie, baby!
Oh, boy.
[LOUISE] Okay, which one of you bad boys
is gonna win me a hundred bucks?
everyone settle down.
Hey, uh, I'm just gonna go talk
to the lifeguard real quick.
Trash-talk him? Kind of weird
to do it to the lifeguard,
but yeah, whatever pumps
you up. You want me to come?
No, I I-I got it.
Uh, hi. How ya doing? I
was just wondering if
Is someone taking into account
how big these waves are?
Yes. Don't worry.
The ocean is perfectly safe
today for you and your child.
Okay, but are you sure?
I mean, you're seeing
those waves, right?
Yes. I see the ocean.
Notice how my big chair
is pointed right at it?
- I see it at all times.
- But what about that wave?
I mean, look-look at that one.
Okay, not that one, but, uh, there.
- That one. Right?
- Yeah.
Uh, okay, so, that one
that one died down, too.
- Mm-hmm.
- Uh, hold on, just
'Cause another big
one is coming any sec.
I can't wait.
Hey, Louise. I didn't know
you boogie-ed the boards.
I'm gonna boogie this board.
Did you bring a dad, or
are you gonna get a loaner?
Uh, no. My dad's here.
He's talking to the announcer guy.
- He's trying to pitch him a jingle.
- Is that a euphemism?
Dum-dum-dum, who's the
shirt that's full of squirts? ♪
Da-da-da, da, makes all
the jellyfish go berserk. ♪
- Oh, hi, Mr. B.
- Oh, hi, Courtney.
- Break a leg out there.
- Wha-What?
It's just an expression.
- God. [LAUGHS]
- Oh. Right.
Uh, seems like we have a little
time before the contest starts.
Should we jump in so I can
master this sport real quick?
Yup. Yup.
Dah. Poor, dumb, old,
dead equipment rental guy
and his lousy timing.
Sorry, but Ugh. Teddy's never
gonna celebrate his birthday.
- Hey, there's always next year, right?
- Yeah.
Teddy's friends aren't always
gonna die on his birthday.
And if they do, we should probably move.
So, is anyone else thinking it's weird
that we haven't eaten
those cupcakes yet?
- Ease into it, Gene.
- Too soon.
It's what Teddy would have wanted.
So, yeah. Wait for the wave to
pick up the back of the board
and then kick like crazy.
Uh, here's one.
- Fun, right?
- Yeah.
If you like very slow
rides that only go six feet.
Oh, well, uh, yeah.
Dad, everyone is out there.
- Why are we here?
- Uh, you know the old saying.
"Water white? Doing all right.
Water curl? Uh, get
out of there, girl."
- No, I've never heard that.
- Well, it's an old saying.
- And you're young.
- Really? Who said it?
Uh, Mark Twain. You know him?
- Never heard of him.
- He's a famous writer.
About surfing?
Some of it, yeah. On the Mississippi.
But those waves are
bigger. I'm no oceanologist,
but wouldn't big waves make you
go farther and win the contest?
Uh, well, I mean, some
people might say that.
But others would say,
"Wave too big, don't dance that jig."
- Mark Twain again?
- No, that's, uh Jamiroquai.
Dad, where's the golden-boy
boogie-boarder from yesteryear?
'Cause I'd love to meet him.
[LOUISE] Come on, Dad!
- Boogie your butt on out here!
- Oh, boy.
[GENE] Mom, the birthday party is gone.
But the cupcakes are here,
alive and well, and so are we.
Gene's right. It's time
to kill those cupcakes.
- With-with our mouths.
- All right. Fine.
- Oh, uh, hold off on the cupcakes.
- Damn it!
Oh, hey, Teddy. You're
here with some people.
Yeah. Handymen and handy-woman.
I'm Joyce, the handyma'am.
Ha. I love it. Aw, but
sorry about your friend.
Linda, you remember
Glenn, and this is Lou.
- Hi, Lou.
- Hello.
So, did Teddy tell you it's his bir
Uh, we're just here to have
a beer and talk about Vernon.
- That's all.
- Okay. Okay.
[SNIFFLES] I didn't think I
was gonna get so broken up.
Yeah, you cried loudly at the service.
- Super loud.
- Aw.
Hey, this round's on the house.
Some beer for your tears.
And maybe some fries for your cries?
Oh, okay. Yeah, sounds good.
- Lots of fries.
- Kids, uh, give me a hand.
[WHISPERING] Secret meeting.
Mom forgot how to use the fryer.
[WHISPERING] So embarrassing.
Listen, I think we can work with this.
Teddy and his friends
will talk about Vernon,
they'll get sick of that,
and then they'll be ready
to move on to something
a little more fun.
Are you sure that's what they
Tina, you are this close to
not being invited to the party.
- Got it. Got it.
- Aah!
- Not yet.
- But soon.
Louise, are you sure
you don't want to go
back to where we were?
Loserville? No.
Ooh, look at this one! Let's catch it.
No, that It looks pretty big.
- Let's duck under it.
- Ugh.
- Ah, come on.
We should have taken it!
No, that-that wave was, um,
- gross.
- Gross?
Yeah. Squishy and gross.
Those are technical terms.
Uh, you'll learn it all later.
Oh, ho, ho, here comes another good one!
- Louise, I don't think
- I'm going for it!
- No, no, no. No!
- Yes, yes, yes.
That was amazing.
Dad, did you see me?!
Yeah. G-Good, uh, job with it.
Why didn't you tell me
that oceans are like
free roller coasters,
and not just big, stinky,
wet places where fish pee?
Oh, you know, Louise, they also poop.
There's less poop closer to shore.
It's the-the jet stream, I think, so
Okay, why are you being so weird?
Weird? I'm not being weird.
Is this about your incident or accident
or whatever Mom was talking about?
- I mean
- Just tell me what happened.
Okay. Okay. Uh, it was a
big wave day, like today.
I had a bunch of really good rides,
and then, this huge wave just
rolled me and pounded
me against the sand.
And I-I couldn't get up. I
- I-I couldn't get my head up.
- A lifeguard had to pull me out.
- [LOUISE] Oh.
[BOB] And when he
dragged me onto the beach,
I realized the wave had completely
pulled my bathing suit down.
- What's that?
- It's a penis.
- No, it's not.
- Don't look at me!
Wait, but didn't Mom
say you were in, like,
six inches of water?
Ugh. Yes, she loves to point that out,
but it doesn't matter if
it's six feet or six inches.
When a wave is pounding
you, you don't even know
which way is up or if you're
ever gonna breathe again.
But, uh, that was just, like, one time.
And, you know, I didn't die.
As you can see.
Right here. Hello. So,
I'm sure everything will go fine today,
and we will also not die.
So, uh, go team?
Heads up, boogie boys and girls.
The contest is about to
kick off, and lucky us,
these waves just keep getting
bigger and bigger.
- Whee!
- I think we're
the cutest ones here.
So, you ready? Uh, how-how you feeling?
Oh, you mean after the
worst pep talk ever?
Yeah, that-that was bad.
I'm sorry about that.
"Hey, we're competing in this thing,
"here's a graphic story about
how I almost drowned doing it,
but, uh, have fun, sport."
I didn't call you "sport."
Could-could we just pretend
like I never said anything?
Like you had to do with Gene
after you guys had the sex talk?
What? No !
Yes, like that.
You know what? I'm fine. I can do this.
Plus, it's a hundred bucks if we win,
which we will because
I'm incredible at this.
[ANNOUNCER] All right guys,
here's how the contest is gonna work:
You've all been assigned to groups.
Heat one, heat two and heat three.
You're gonna ride a wave,
then wait on the beach
till we call your heat again.
We're gonna do that three times.
Our judges will be awarding points
for longest distance, technical form,
and boogiest boarding.
Thanks for ordering all
these big waves, Daddy.
Just kidding. I know
they're from a storm
or the Moon or something.
[LAUGHS] Good.
I need you to focus, okay, Court?
[GLENN] And remember when Vernon started
charging more for the 36-inch trencher
than he did for the 48-inch trencher?
Yes, I noticed that and
asked him, what gives?
And he said more people want the 36.
- More people want the 36.
- More people want the 36.
- Listen to that.
They're coming out of it.
The energy is picking up,
the mood is shifting. I
think we're good to go.
Uh, I don't know.
Gene, go hold the door
open, watch for my signal.
Then you signal Tina. Tina,
you go light the candle
and bring the cupcakes out, okay?
I don't like my job.
I feel like I should
bring the cupcakes out.
No, do it like I said.
You're not good with lighters.
They should make lighters
that are easier for kids.
Kid lighters.
Shh, get in position.
I also have party hats and noisemakers,
but let's wait and see on those, okay?
Ah, that was a nice service.
Very nice.
- The exact right length.
- [JOYCE] Yup.
- [LOU] But his poor wife,
- she's all alone now.
- [TEDDY] Right.
- [TEDDY] Yeah, she did say something about
taking a cruise later this year.
[LOU] Oh. Well, that's nice.
- [JOYCE] Yeah, well, it was
the cruise they were
supposed to take together.
[GLENN] Their 50th anniversary cruise.
- [TEDDY] Yeah
- [TINA] Damn it. [BLOWS]
Okay, Linda. Let's turn this around.
Ah, life. Huh? Am I right?
- Yeah.
- Yup.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
Speaking of life, uh,
today's Teddy's birthday.
- You don't say.
- [GLENN] What?
- Oh, no kidding.
- [GLENN] Huh.
Ah, uh
Oh, it's good to celebrate a little.
No, no, no. No, no.
- Yeah.
- No.
Yeah, you gotta, you know.
All right. Uh, bring out
the cupcakes. Tina, hurry.
- Happy ♪
- I'm sorry, sorry.
- Crap.
Thanks, Linda.
You have to blow it out
or the wax will, um
I-I'll do it.
[WHISPERING] I wish this day would end.
Yep, could not get any worse.
- Hello.
- [GRUMPILY] Oh, great.
- I mean, hi. Mort.
- Ooh, cupcakes.
[GENE] Get your own!
[ANNOUNCER] Heads up,
fathers and daughters
in heat two, these
monster waves are for you.
You ready, Dad?
And is your bathing suit
properly secured? [CHUCKLES]
Heh. Yes. Kind of.
This one?
- Um
- Whoa. [LAUGHS]
Uh, let's do it.
Paddle. Kick. Go.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm doing it.
Oh, oh.
Heh. Well, that was all right.
Yeah, that-that-that
wasn't that bad.
Yeah, if we rode it any farther,
we'd need a plane ticket to get back.
Um, this one?
Uh, yeah.
Whoa, whoa.
- Whoa!
- Louise!
What the hell was that?
- You okay?
- Yeah.
Does your chin hurt? It
looks like you scraped it.
It's-it's fine. I'm fine.
Besides, what's a tiny little bit
of drowning every now and then?
You want to make an omelet,
you gotta hold a few eggs
under water until they choke
and scrape their chins, right?
Okay. All right. [GROANS]
You know what though?
- I don't need a hundred bucks.
- What?
Yeah, I'll easily make that much myself.
Over a few decades.
Maybe we should just call it, huh?
Oh, really? [STAMMERS]
- You want to leave?
- Yeah, I think I'm good
on ocean stuff for now.
It's big, it's dumb. I get it.
I mean, i-if that's
what you want, okay.
It is. Yeah, let's go home.
All right.
- Little squirt ♪
- Yeah.
- Buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh
- Buh-buh-buh ♪
You've got the cutest
little surfer shirt ♪
Squirt, squirt, squirt ♪
You've got the cutest
little surfer shirt ♪
- Squirt, squirt, squirt ♪
Squirt, squirt, squirt, heh ♪
Squirt, squirt, squirt ♪
A-squirt, squirt, squirt. ♪
- Yeah.
- I think we're getting somewhere.
[LOUISE] That was the right move. Right?
Know when to call it quits.
Not that we're quitters.
We're smart. We're smart-ers.
Uh-huh. Yup.
They're all gonna die.
I mean, hopefully not.
They're gonna die, they're gonna die.
They might make it, but
they'll be traumatized.
- What?
- Well,
I think I'm gonna head out.
- Happy birthday, Teddy.
- Oh.
Yeah, I'm gonna shove off, too.
Happy birthday, Teddy.
Yeah, thanks for having us?
I didn't, uh
Uh uh, wait.
Uh, we haven't had ice cream yet.
You get free ice cream
on your birthday, right?
What? No, no.
Just Teddy gets free ice cream, or
All of you. You-you
all get free ice cream.
I'd stay for a little soft serve.
I'd stay for a lot of soft serve.
And sprinkles? I mean,
not-not a deal-breaker,
but if you have 'em
Do we have to have ice cream?
- Shh.
- What? I'd have a tea.
Oh, this damn thing again.
Come on, come on
Huh. My uncle has a
diner up in Hillsboro.
This happens with his soft serve.
It's probably the flow screw.
Eh, I'd say it's more likely
there's just a buildup in there.
I told the machine it needed more fiber.
I'm just saying, we
should pry the cap off
the dispensing hole and poke around.
No, no, start with the flow screw.
Wow, handy people
with their handy tools.
This place has turned
into a real handy-land.
Oh, wait. Um, why don't we
make a little game out of it?
- Huh?
- Eh?
A little party game. Come on.
Linda, just, don't. No more party talk.
A game? I like games.
- I'd play Yeah.
- All right.
A game best served soft.
Joyce gets it.
- Whose kids are those?
- I don't know.
You know where you
don't die of drowning?
On the land. There's a 99% chance
you won't drown in the
ocean when you're on land.
Hey, uh, I just want to say,
Louise, again, I'm sorry
I told you my boogie boarding story
while you were boogie boarding.
For the first time.
I'm glad you told me that story.
That story saved our sad lives.
But I mean, I did have fun.
When I wasn't drowning.
I know. I mean, I-I saw you.
I actually had a lot of fun, too.
I I like boogie boarding.
Linda, did you see that?
Mm-hmm. That was great.
What's happening? Why are we stopping?
What if we go back?
Go back? To the beach?
I think if we hurry,
we can make it back for
for our third wave.
What? So now you're fine with dying?
You know, Jamiroquai
and Mark Twain also said,
um, don't not do fun stuff
'cause your dad got scared one time.
Look, I'm glad you got
me back in the water,
back on the boogie board.
I should have done that right
away after my incident.
I-I missed a ton of waves.
And a lot of chances to show your penis?
So, uh, What do you say?
More to the left.
- Here?
- No, left, left.
Wait, is my left your right?
We're facing the same direction.
So my left is your
- Left.
- No, but you're behind me.
- Yes.
- Put up your left hand.
- Here.
- That's your left hand?
It's the same as your left hand.
- Sorry, time's up.
Joyce and Lou, get in there. Go on.
You're going down, birthday boy.
[LOU] This is a great
game. What else can we fix?
I have an old Honda.
I've got a casket I can't get open.
- Mort.
- What?
There's no one in it. I don't think.
Hey. My little boogie beavers are back.
- How'd it go?
- Oh, I don't know,
how about we got fourth place?
Oh, that's great!
- Yeah.
- Oh, your face.
Eh, it's nothing.
I mean, I almost died,
and I wanted to quit,
but then I learned
from Dad's many mistakes
and said, "No, we gotta go back."
- [BOB] We both said it.
- I said it better.
And we rode
our final wave to fourth place,
which is a Belcher first place.
[BOB] Partially thanks
to me doing a 360,
which I definitely did on purpose.
And not only did I get
this intimidating scar,
we got these for coming in fourth.
Perfect for the opera.
Well, how about some
fourth place ice cream?
- Yeah!
- As soon as
our ice cream machine is fixed.
- Yeah, what's happening here?
- Handypeople party games.
Yeah, Dad. Haven't you ever been to
a handypeople funeral/birthday party?
- That's it. Look at that.
- Whoa, whoa.
- Is it
- We've got ice cream
- Aw, c'mon.
- We got it. We win!
All right!
I have to admit, this is nice,
being celebrated a little bit.
Thanks for making this happen, Linda,
even though I told you
so many times not to.
Aw, you're worth it, Teddy.
And, yes, I was right about everything.
Happy birthday to you ♪
Oh, no, you don't have
to Okay, you're doing it.
Happy birthday to you ♪
Happy birthday, dear Teddy ♪
Happy birthday ♪
To you ♪
[LINDA] And Mandy Moore. ♪
And, Vernon, sorry you're dead.
Little squirt ♪
- Buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh
- Squirt, squirt, squirt ♪
You've got the cutest
little surfer shirt ♪
- Hey, squirt, squirt, squirt ♪
- You've got the cutest ♪
- Little surfer shirt ♪
- Squirt, squirt, squirt ♪
- Yeah, yeah.
- You've got the cutest ♪
Little surfer shirt ♪
- Squirt-squirt, squirt-squirt ♪
Squirt, ha, squirt-squirt, squirt ♪
[BOTH] Little squirt ♪
Let me add the bass. Here we go, and
[BOTH] Little squirt ♪
- Dad, you're still just a hair sharp.
- If you try to just
- You're absolutely right.
[BOTH] Little ♪
[DOUG] You know it's, though,
it's the key is too high.
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